Funny videos

Found some rather alarming footage of @Rocket

Stay tuned for the tail, that’s the most insane bit

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Sweet and sour Jesus, I had to stop halfway through because I was laughing so hard.

This guy is my new Best Friend.

@tempogain, thank you so very much, this honestly made my fuckin week.

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What’s the big fuckin deal?
Just tryin to put fuckin food on the table, jeez.

It became clear why he was celebrating when his ladyfriend walked into the frame. :hushed:


Some of the clips in this video are fairly old, but there were some i’ve never seen before. The first one is glorious, I loved it so much. The doggie became water.

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Not gut busting funny, but worth a chuckle if you have the time. It was doing the rounds late last week, I think.

It’s a 1950s TV show called “Trackdown” where a con-man named Trump rolls into town and convinces them to build a wall otherwise all kinds of hell will rain down on them. About 8 minutes in there’s a conversation with a judge that’s probably going to get quoted a lot.

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The instant karma is strong in this one.

HOLD ON A SECOND…the guy decided that the best way to complain about the policemen’s actions was to enter the police station armed with an automatic rifle and wearing a head mask ??

I didn’t even know that was an option

It would be a great script for an episode of “I shouldn’t be alive”.

Well, that’s not what I expected to set in this thread…

Apologies, for some reason ,I could not get the post listed any other way .
I tried . It won’t work if you click ? It’s damned funny. Also Youtube’ FB video is similar enough to not warrant another title?

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have bad news… I didn’t get the job at Fruit Loops.”

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