Funny Pictures 2021

It will become a horny jail (duh).


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Repost of the Day (for real this time!)



Well, the book I’ve just finished does suggest that. We are great pollinators. The bitches and mules of the plant world!

Ain’t that the truth.

It’s a wild thing to think about. What plants do you like…why?

For me, it’s milkweed. I like to find the monarch butterfly caterpillars and marvel. I think i bottled a few when I was a kid watched one shell up and change into a butterfly and thought I was somehow responsible.


Wrong, but the bug didn’t mind not being eaten while it slept. And the milkweed of the future didn’t mind me taking the credit for ensuring another pollinator.

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Not sure where you are. But weed is an indoor science these days. That shit never sees a bug in its life.

The outdoor stuff still tastes better though. It’s just hard to grow sativa properly indoors. My euphorbia, on the other hand, is indestructible. I can stop watering it for months and it just shrivels up a little. Then I give it a little water and it’s blooming again like the next day.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Repost of the Day (for real this time!)

It has you well trained!

Well, it would probably like more water more regularly, but we’ve kind of worked out a compromise.

that’s what you think


Don’t tell me you and the euphorbia are in cahoots… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

just wait until you feel the urge to give your friend a cutting.

a few weeks later they will have an amazing bush,
and you will be left with a shrivelled old stick. :upside_down_face: :seedling:

Spider mites are a pest when growing weed indoors. Apparently. :sunglasses:

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Just smoke the little fuckers…

They clog up the entire plant with webbing. Apparently. :sunglasses: