Funny Political Pictures

So you’re talkin about aboriginal people and not immigrants from India.
We call them First Nations in Canada cause…well…they were there first.

You’re welcome to call them that in Canada, but I wouldn’t recommend calling them Native Americans in America…they don’t like it.

Duly noted. Thanks.

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“Beats you up for liking Ben Shapiro” made me spit some tea. Well done.


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“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi

In before :" well, some animals pick up their pups like that…" → pups, not when they are that size

(Not sure if the forum displays it properly, might have to watch it on imgur)


(I know subcontinentals are also Asian, but the British use of the designation is confusing to the rest of the world also)


Looks like Saudi screwed up .
Never go to a brawl in an embassy without your bone saw.:roll_eyes:

TFW it was just a friendly pub brawl mishap at the local Turkish embassy.image

Identity politics has gone full farce here in the Great Satan.

I’ll give Warren her due. She’s not a lightweight politician at all. Why she panders to crazy stumps me. Trump is head and shoulders above the fray he creates. The Left should just look beyond his tenure and not try to match his media acumen.

Back on topic, that duck meme is hilarious. Back off, and it clearly demonstrates the absurdity of Warren’s circular dog paddle in Lake Trump.

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It’s a little bizarre over at the New York Times, where the events of last week are being ignored and where Warren didn’t put her foot in her mouth, but instead successfully launched her 2020 Presidential campaign by releasing the opinion of her geneticist that her DNA “strongly suggests” she has a Latin American ancestor.

As the NYT blithely reports-

And Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts left little doubt about her intentions when she released a genetic test indicating she has Native American ancestry — a move to blunt Mr. Trump’s taunts alleging she had mischaracterized her heritage.

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It’s kind of amazing the way the NYT has completely destroyed its reputation and credibility over the last few years, things that are priceless for a newspaper. It’s gone from being the paper of record to just another propaganda rag slash wacky tabloid. It may be too late for them to recover at this point.

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This is depressing to think about. The future of media is fucked.

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They’re being serious…
