Funny videos

Super loud without warning and no volume slider :frowning:

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Not for me. I don’t view on a phone.

I do not view on a phone either.

I had a blackberry phone a few years ago, that would randomly start playing this song, there must have been some kind of trigger for it but never worked out what it was.

Was in some pretty high-tension business meetings (I was sabotaging my bosses projects) when “-yip yip yip yip BAH HAH” came out of nowhere. Good times.


Are you teasing us with a good story? :smirk:

Definitely need to watch this movie now… :sweat_smile:

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Functional fitness? :sweat_smile:


Watching this on Netflix now. Absolutely hilarious at parts. Ali G. Academics, the last people on Earth detached enough to fall for this bit :slight_smile: She’s funny.

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I keep getting clips of her older stuff which seems funnier than the Netflix stuff


Yeah me too. Didn’t know she’s been doing this for a while.

@BigDave : Philomena Cunk is basically a female Ali G or Borat, but quite a bit funnier, IMO.

Babylon Bee are doing some pretty good stuff these days.

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You just can’t compete with a true British. True Masters in the field.

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Watch until the end!

German Army at inauguration of their Space Force Command Center.