Bobby the young Maltese has always been a fussy eater. He’s been on the raw diet for several months now. However, lately he doesn’t want any food for breakfast, and will only have dinner, and recently won’t even finish that. No diarrea, but he’s always had softer stools than Toto. If he eats bones, though, they become too hard.
I leave him some dried food, which he may or may not eat. But today when I was cleaning, he went for the forgotten, fuzzy, dirty pellets that have been lying around heaven knows for how long. Vet says some times doggies have these weird behaviours and it just a quirk.
Bobby seems perfectly healthy, according to the nearby vet. He’s big now, bigger than Toto -who, BTW, has been losing weight, but the vet says it’s normal, that he was too fat, and as long as he has a healthy appetite, it’s OK. Bobby is a bit on the heavy side, without being chubby, but he’s already changed collars 3 times.
He’s already suffering from the heat, but he’s not dehidrated. He’s been shaved and has a fan in the evenings. Dunno if he’s off his appetite because of the weather.
Vet says not to worry, he’s just a fussy/finicky eater. If so, I’d like to find something he would like to eat. Any suggestions? I’m beginning to suspect his previous owners gave him people food because I’ve tried everything but that.
Has anyone else had this kind of trouble?