Original Title: Pollution
This is a message I posted on Tainan Bulletin a little while ago…
Basically, anyone who is interested in understanding the air quality
in Taiwan can go to
edb.epa.gov.tw/eng/Quality/AirQu … ir_Qry.asp
There you can understnd why asthma and other breathing problems are
through the roof. I check it reqularly, and just to mention one
month in particular, November, I found it difficult and heart
breaking to tell the kids that I teach that there were only two days
that month where the air quality was considered to be good enough to
be outside, and eight which were dangerous. There is no immediate
solution, and in all honesty, our own countries would have the same
problem if we were all asked to live in such a small area. Stuff is
being done to help, believe me! I could ramble on, but won’t. For
the mean time, I can only offer this as a band aid. It will help
you, but do nothing for the environment, sadly. Go check out.
The company won’t be up and running until the start of next month,
but you can click on the email request and just say that you want
one, or you can just email me. For those of you who are interested,
you can learn more on the website. Oh, and yes, it is my effort, or
my company, or whatever, so suggestions and feedback are always
welcome. I live in Tainan, so if you want to check em out before
blindly ordering one, I’ll hold an open house or something, and
hopefully have them in bicycle shops and motorcycle shops soon.
The price is not up yet, but they will be 350 for the mask and two
washable filters. The active carbon will only last a certain amount
of time though. I’m also up for any ideas as to how one might help
to further establish a stronger bicycling culture here in Taiwan.
A bike rack for motorcycles?
Blah blah blah,