Gadaffi Most Handsome World Leader of All Time

So, What Do You Think?

  • No. His black heart makes him ugly.
  • Yeah. He makes me swoon with desire. Is that wrong?
  • He’s not as good looking as Maggie Thatcher.
  • He rocks 'nough said.
  • I’m a man. Objectively, I would say yes.
  • I’m a man. Objectively, I would say no.
  • The most handsome world leader of all time? Give me a break. What about JFK?

0 voters

I think Gaddafi was probably one of the most handsome world leaders of all time. He has even aged like some old rock star.

Gadaffi’s nurse doesn’t mention it. … nurse.html

Then again, I would have thought she’d have had more to say. Maybe being Gadaffi’s nurse isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, or maybe Newsweek had to fit it into a sidebar.

[quote=“Tempo Gain”]Gadaffi’s nurse doesn’t mention it. … nurse.html

Then again, I would have thought she’d have had more to say. Maybe being Gadaffi’s nurse isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, or maybe Newsweek had to fit it into a sidebar.[/quote]

Nurse is a euphemism for harem slave.

Are you kidding? That guy just Ooozes E-V-I-L to me. Handsome? NO way.

Manuel Noriega, hands down.

Steady, fella.


I think that, irrespective of how comely a fella might have started out, if, at any subsequent point in time, one takes to wearing dresses and Rick James JheriCurl wigs, it’s pretty much a deal breaker.

He wasn’t leader of the world though.


Steady, fella.


I’m not sure that covers psych-nurses. Psych-nurse is a euphamism for harem guard.

Devilshly handsome. Even now he still got the cool factor going.

What about Kamahl::

He has the aging pervert look - sorta what you’d see on a pedophile sex-offenders list.

One thing’s for sure, he likes his costumes. :laughing:

Gadaffi is ugly.

It looks like he had a pretty hard day and night at the factory of evil doings on that day. What is the photo he’s wearing on his chest? He still looks cool though. Cool and wasted by his evil works, poor dear man.

or that guy
It’s the nose I guess.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”] or that guy
It’s the nose I guess.[/quote]

Stop polluting my thread. This thread is only for good looking people not bozos.

Why are you so hot for Gadaffi, Fox. That’s wierd. Do you feel that you resemble him or something?

No. Not at all. I wish I did. I resemble the bozos but if I had Gaddafi’s handsome profile, I’d be way more successful than I am. It’s a known fact.

That’s not true at all. That is just the media playing with your weak mind.