Gastropod of the day?

I stepped on one once and almost lost my lunch. Swore I’d never do it again.

Pretty sure I ran over one this morning on the way in.

Evolutionary punks.

Ever since I learned these guys are no good I’ve been on a snail murder spree. Sort of. I don’t actually have the stomach to stomp them, but every one I see I promptly kick into the middle of the street to be run over by the next vehicle. Die! Die! Die!

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Remember the Australian who died of rat lungworm last fall from eating a slug on a dare?

A snail is just a slug with a shell on its back. Avoid like the plague.

They are dirty as shit, pardon the pun. Absolutely dirty. Eating is a risk unless you know how they are cooked (meaning overcooked).

I wont eat them due to parasite risk. At the same time, if i am going to kill them i make it fast. We should maybe get over our justifacations and excuses and just get on with it. Throwing them in water, salting them, throwing onto a hot road etc is pretty cruel. Pick it up and throw it hard and fast at something solid. Dead almost instantly with nearly no pain. I kill thousands weekly and still absolutely require they at least die quickly and in as little pain as i can figure out. It is gross for us. Ewww. But try to think of the pain caused on their side. As a wonderfully oxymoronic snail gencodide slogan: compasionate murder.

Are they that bad?

But I don’t wanna touch it…

First they came for the snails…

Guy is leaving for work and sees a snail on the porch. He picks it up and throws it as far as he can.
Three years later, he’s leaving for work and sees the same snail sitting there.
The snail looks up at him and says: “The fuck, dude???”


“the global slime industry has boomed to be worth an estimated $314m…
…The species bred for slime is the Achatina snail, known better as the African giant snail”

that’s totally wack!

Saw this huge bugger the other day. I used to pick them up and put them back on soil, but I’ve heard the stories of them carrying parasites, so now I just leave them be.


When my wife was growing up in the countryside, she and her siblings would collect snails and sell bags of them for like 5 NTD to a dude who used to cook and eat them. :face_vomiting:

No, now you gotta step on them or boot them into the street to be flattened by traffic.

Sometimes when I have my umbrella handy but it’s not raining anymore I use the protrusion at the top to hit em like a golf ball.

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That’s really cruel. You can do that if you want. I don’t go out of my way to kill things though.

Meh. I think since they’re an invasive species it’s a service to the ecosystem to eliminate a few.

Ahem…and what of “little strong?”

I’m not following.


Nobody tell hanna149 about the role humans play in the ecosystem …


Oh. Cockroaches and mosquitos aren’t God’s creatures. They’re hellspawn. :man_shrugging:

Sadly this annoying thing called “ethics” becomes involved when it comes to humans. Also “criminal justice” or fuckin whatever. “Law” and “order.”

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