Generic, counterfeit drugs and OTC medicine

It seems to me that the government or the consumer organizations in Taiwan have a lot of work to do …

Several times now I got some Taiwanes made OTC drugs and ointments that don’t have the potency they (claim) should have, they just don’t work … using the more expensive imported stuff is the way to go I guess … when they are not counterfeit …

Any thoughts, experience on this?

Only go to reputable pharmacists. It’s not always easy to spot the fake stuff but a good pharmacist will buy directly from authorized distributors it has long term relationships with. I’ve had good experience with Shanghai Union Dispensary on Hengyang Road in Taipei, as have other posters here.

The thing is … I don’t live in Taipei …

i made a similar thread a few months ago and sandman was adamant that there’s nothing wrong with medicines found in taiwan