I often get annoyed when rich popstars etc ask the everyday person to donate money for different causes while living in luxury themselves. However after reading about Paul Newman I was in total awe. He has given over 175 million US dollars away to charity. That by anyones standards is a huge amount of money.
I think there are a few celebrities who give a lot of time and money to helping various causes. U2’s Bono, Richard Gere and Angelina Jolie are a few that spring to mind.
Some people might still criticise them or say their efforts are shallow but I admire them for doing what they do.
Hi yeah that is impressive. Very impressive. I was thinking more of entertainment celebs that is why I posted on the “arts and entertainment” thread.
The reason I made the comment about Paul Newman is that there are often appeals by rock stars and Hollywood stars for money for different causes (usually African). I then see those same celebs living very extravagently (like Michael jackson) for example. I am not saying they shouldn’t do that, just saying it was fantastic of Paul Newman to of done what he has. As for Warren Buffet well yep that is a huge amount of money but I have never seen him asking for donations and then bitching over little stuff like some Hollywood celebs and pop stars seem to. I think Paul Newman sets a very positive image for the Hollywood celebs.
Go to Cambodia and mention the name “Angelina Jolie”. She’s a God(dess) there, solely for what she’s done for the Cambodian people. To the point where they’ve given her an honorary citizenship. I like what she told a CNN interviewer when he asked her about the fact that she donates 33% of her income to charity. On saying to her that 33% was an awful lot, she replied with “well, I earn a crazy income”.
Richard Gere is another. A God to the Tibetans. I actually met him briefly in a chai shop in Bodhgaya, India during the Kalachakra (big, important Tibetan Buddhist festival). He’s a very humble, down to earth guy. I didn’t actually recognize him at the time - he started talking to me and then it clicked.
George Harrison, although he’s now living with Krishna, was another big donor while he was alive.
If you’re from Australia, UK, NZ or South Africa, you’ll know the name Steve Waugh. He does a lot of work for street kids in India. Work that he never seeks publicity for.
Go to Cambodia and mention the name “Angelina Jolie”. She’s a God(dess) there, solely for what she’s done for the Cambodian people. To the point where they’ve given her an honorary citizenship. I like what she told a CNN interviewer when he asked her about the fact that she donates 33% of her income to charity. On saying to her that 33% was an awful lot, she replied with “well, I earn a crazy income”.
Richard Gere is another. A God to the Tibetans. I actually met him briefly in a chai shop in Bodhgaya, India during the Kalachakra (big, important Tibetan Buddhist festival). He’s a very humble, down to earth guy. I didn’t actually recognize him at the time - he started talking to me and then it clicked.
George Harrison, although he’s now living with Krishna, was another big donor while he was alive.
If you’re from Australia, UK, NZ or South Africa, you’ll know the name Steve Waugh. He does a lot of work for street kids in India. Work that he never seeks publicity for.[/quote]
Thanks for that. It put me in a good mood. Most of the news about celebs these days seems to be about paris Hilton’s antics.
Nice to hear some good things about famous movie stars. it is very humbling.
33% is a lot of Angelina’s income. Considering she pays more taxes than most other people.
Don’t forget the Mz. Oprah who is a god to millions of women in America and south Africa.
Bill Cosby-scholarship funds
Sean Penn-Katrina and other charities
Tiger Woods-his own foundation
Micheal Jordon-own foundation
Madonna-currently Malawi (Malawai?)
[quote=“Namahottie”]Don’t forget the Mz. Oprah who is a god to millions of women in America and south Africa.
Bill Cosby-scholarship funds
Sean Penn-Katrina and other charities
Tiger Woods-his own foundation
Michael Jordon-own foundation
Madonna-currently Malawi (Malawai?)[/quote]
Maybe my memory fails me but I thought you were sick of Oprah ?
I like Oprah actually. I think she is too into the Doctor Phil character but other than that she is very decent, and dare I say, I respect her a lot. Although I seldom watch the show. Ricky Lake on the other hand was such a condecending lady I could not stand her. So righteous.
As for chat show hosts then Jerry Springer is the greatest.
Yes Oprah is very generous. I think probably because she grew up in hardship herself.
Bill Gates is a more controversial one but I don’t want to stray from the topic too much in the arts and entertainment forum.
It should also be noted about Buffet that not only has he himself given away billions, he’s made millions (even billions) for other people who in turn donate to charity (people that have invested with him early on.)
And another cool note about Buffet is that he’s been living in the same house for almost 50 years and pays himself 100,000/year as CEO.
[quote=“miltownkid”]It should also be noted about Buffet that not only has he himself given away billions, he’s made millions (even billions) for other people who in turn donate to charity (people that have invested with him early on.)
And another cool note about Buffet is that he’s been living in the same house for almost 50 years and pays himself 100,000/year as CEO.[/quote]
Yea Warren Buffet is right in my top 3 of most respected people. He also lives very modestly. Proabably a very calming character on Bill Gates who plays bridge with him every week.
And another cool note about Buffet is that he’s been living in the same house for almost 50 years and pays himself 100,000/year as CEO.[/quote]
Buffet is also not leaving any of his fortune to any family members. That doesn’t define who he is, but it does make me wonder if “charity really begins at home”?
Hmm, that’s quite interesting because his granddaughter was on tv saying she wasn’t getting a trust fund.
Whom should I believe- Wikipedia or His granddaughter. I’ll take granddaughter for $500 Alex. [/quote]
I think you’re confusing Buffett’s children with his grandchildren. Warren Buffett would probably rather let his children decide how to raise their own children, rather than bypassing them and giving his grandchildren a trust fund.
I’m quite sure from what I’ve read about Buffett giving away his money that he will give a small amount of his fortune to his three children.
Hmm, that’s quite interesting because his granddaughter was on tv saying she wasn’t getting a trust fund.
Whom should I believe- Wikipedia or His granddaughter. I’ll take granddaughter for $500 Alex. [/quote]
I think you’re confusing Buffett’s children with his grandchildren. Warren Buffett would probably rather let his children decide how to raise their own children, rather than bypassing them and giving his grandchildren a trust fund.
I’m quite sure from what I’ve read about Buffett giving away his money that he will give a small amount of his fortune to his three children.[/quote]
I don’t know if you guys remember Rober Maxwell. Well apparently he didn’t leave anything in his will for his sons. I can understand not wanting to spoil your sons and daughters but I think it is a bit unfair to leave them nothing. After all being the son of Maxwell deserves some compensation. Look at the pressure you would be under to be a winner etc etc. Imagine how you would be teased and discriminated against if your dad was like him and you were working on a production line etc etc.
I don’t think spoiling your kids is good, but at least give them a few opportunities. I would certainly want my daughter to have a better start in life than I did. I would want to leave her something. I think most parents would do that. I’m sure he (Buffet) will leave something for them. I hope he does anyway. After all I believe he had to borrow some money from family to get going. I know very few people that are really “rags to riches”. I guess that is why they write books about them as they are so rare!
Oh yeah the big O of course!