Gentrification Kaohsiung/Taichung vs EU (Dublin, Berlin, Manchester, etc.)

guess ill share this.

Spot the true irish man


These facts are surprise, but I knew about the Lord Mayor

No they are Irish not Chinese or Indian .


Yes she is (Lord Mayor as Irish) and happy to hear you say this ! (not everyone there thinks this as she gets some comments about her ethnic background). Hope she sees the gentrification issue of high rents and can keep the city rent reasonable.

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Is Taipei a big ultra modern metro? Maybe a bit of Xinyi is

While I agree, gentrification does bring new buildings with updated and safer infrastructure. But itā€™d be nice to have the updated infrastructure without sacrificing the local culture. Unfortunately, generations of families sometimes get priced out when areas are redeveloped.

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Yes, please gentrify the fuck out of it, Lord knows Taiwanese cities need it. This isnā€™t Europe where thereā€™s architecture of value to preserve.

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Are these neighborhoods gentrifying with an influx of middle class or wealthy people, with the whole nine including displaced tenants, etcā€¦ or is it just a matter of needing renovation of ugly buildings and a face lift to the area?

Yes higher prices makes it harder for young people, see:


I will be back there next month, with jet lag I will see if Pubs are open at 6.

Also see how much inflation has changed prices.


My favorite aunt is my aunt Lilly. She died without issue. When her Dublin home sold for about 1 million, her nieces and nephews got a nice gift.


Dublin has become very expensive but also a high income place.

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i know a few people with grandmothers in Xinyi that became millionaires :slight_smile:

Docklands, all clean and expensive now. Lots of offices and high end flats. Kao ā€œDocklandsā€ starting to look the same as Dublin, I hope high prices also do not follow.


You donā€™t want Dublin prices in Kaohsiung thats for sure.

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The ghost Xinyi for sure? the real Xinyi where people live still crap. I live in old Xinyi :sweat_smile:


Taiwan has 80 % craptastic areas that scream for gentrification and rehabilitation, 10% that already has been, and 10% older buildings worthy of preservation.


I just walked to where the new social housing is in Xinyi (close to where the new mrt is being built) and its awesome. Really wish more of Taipei and Taiwan can be like that. Really really tall high-rise, functional apartments, with shops on the first floor and ample parks and public space outside.

If you knocked down most of the shit and built like that, then there would be much more housing available and Taiwan would be more livable.

Some people might complain about loss of character, but come on, those old 5 floor buildings are fucking shit.


Funny, these look like the mix-use apartment/commercial towers that are all over Hong Kong. Ironically, people there have been trying to do the opposite: Preserve the old five-story walk-up buildings and stop development of these high-rises.

Absolutely. Those look great. There will be more of these as time goes on. Taiwan became a real first world country circa 2000s. Canā€™t rebuild the whole nation in a single decade.

Couldnā€™t care less about the old ass shite concrete boxes. Everything gets ā€œcharacterā€ with age, these high rises will get that too.

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