George Santos

Well my problem with this is the hey, if he broke the law why not like prosecute him like any normal person?

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“As unofficially already no longer a member of Congress, I no longer have to answer a single question,” said Santos, who is facing trial next year on multiple felony counts, including lying to Congress and wire fraud. “That is the one thing that I’m going to take forever.”

Yeah, he’s right. He can take the 5th.

Next! :banana:

So I got my coffee this morning and started to read some responses online to these developments in Congress. So far, this one may be my favourite take:

The house has lost its most ardent defender of sweater vests



I’m trying not to do that anym—shit! :doh:

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Thanks George!


Next stop for that guy: jail!


Well, let’s put him on trial first. But, yeah. Looks like jail.

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He’ll probably run to Venezuela or something

George Santos attended the SOTU address, so this has prompted Cong Torres to propose the G.E.O.R.G.E. Rule:

Yeah, just for those confused about why he was even allowed on the floor of the House last night, he has lifelong floor privileges, despite being expelled. And as you know, Ritchie Torres, a different congressman from New York, he’s a Democrat, and this is according to Punchbowl, quote, “is introducing a new rule, the George Rule.” George stands for ‘Getting Expelled Officially Revokes Guaranteed Entry’ rule.

That sums up what a ban from the forums would be, btw

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