German army in trouble over racist video

Why do the perpetrators of such pernicious, vile deeds film them?
Are they so self-absorbed in their participation in an act of infamy?

As usual, the fact that events like this happen in a structured institition as the military is first & foremost due to a failure in leadership, on multiple tiers: from the Junior NCO instructing, to the Officer Commanding.

One would think that the German Military, with it’s especially sordid & noxious history, would be overly-vigilant in rooting out such behaviour as this.

I’m trying to figure out why "Yo mama " jokes in Germany would be cause to put a cap in one’s ass.

Something in the translation of the word “mama” ? :idunno:

Not korrekt.

The history you refer to up to this day serves as a stumbling block for real high callibres to be associated with any kind of military career in Germany. This is of course a generalization but the Bundeswehr has its prominent share of what is colloquially called Zivilversager (“fail-at-a-civil-career types”).

Adding to this is that since the end of the Cold War, there is no real military threat against Germany around any more. Lack of an urgent threat combined with anything military having a bad reputation does not really attract the best of the best as career soldiers.

Then take into account that Germany still has a conscription army with regular folks making up the rank-and-file, none of them really screened for political affiliations thoroughly.

Given these three elements I am pretty surprised it is not any worse.

Clearer now?

Such behaviour is certainly not in the SOP of the Bundeswehr, rather the opposite, so how should ‘rooting out’ work? Whatever you teach, you can’t prevent individuals from saying those things, you only can set rules and enfore them when being violated and then disciplin/punish them.

It has been reported that an investigation was already started before the video became public (so the upper ranks in the BW obviously did not consider it acceptable) and consequences have been announced.

[quote]Such behaviour is certainly not in the SOP of the Bundeswehr, rather the opposite, so how should ‘rooting out’ work? Whatever you teach, you can’t prevent individuals from saying those things, you only can set rules and enfore them when being violated and then disciplin/punish them.

It has been reported that an investigation was already started before the video became public (so the upper ranks in the BW obviously did not consider it acceptable) and consequences have been announced.[/quote]

Oh Rascal. I think that we really need to take out the entire top military administration in Germany. Clearly, this was directed from the top and is not the work of isolated individuals. Why do you persist in defending this administration when the whole world knows what it is like? hahahaha Bit different when the shoe is on the other foot though, eh? Of course, I fully understand that these individuals were acting on their own and that NOTHING like this would ever have been approved, sanctioned or otherwise encouraged by the military leadership of Germany. And on that I am quite serious.

Still sour the U.S. has a PR problem worse than Germany today? :smiley:

And still clueless as to why?

Such behaviour is certainly not in the SOP of the Bundeswehr, rather the opposite, so how should ‘rooting out’ work? Whatever you teach, you can’t prevent individuals from saying those things, you only can set rules and enfore them when being violated and then disciplin/punish them.

I agree. However, true enforcement comes from effective leadership. Which was apparently not in action for that exercise. Where were the officers? Reliable NCOs?
Racial matters such as this happen in all armies at some point in time. While racist tinged barroom bravado banter is one thing, it’s quite another to have this happen on an exercise of any sort. Soldiers are government property using other mass-produced government property to fulfill their appointed function. One would hope that they would also be well-led.
I would hold this to be especially true in the age of technology, when the landser have all got cell phones or digital cameras.

As an aside, I can understand the instructor’s desire to instill a slight sense of rage in the soldier whilst firing his weapon. It’s quite important to have nasty thoughts in one’s head whilst firing machine weaponry. That said, why not a more acceptable model for abuse: Paris Hilton, Al-Zawahiri, The InFidels, Shariaistas, and anyone that likes ginger with their cabbage.

You probably meant Dieter Bohlen, Dainel Kübelböck, Vernoa Feldbusch and Knut.

Gosh - the cultural insensitivety on this board knows no bounds. :unamused:

Again I would question how you would implement effective leadership in this case? As to the officers - they may or may not have been at the shooting range but it’s not possible to have one officer for every training officer on site (the training officer was actually a NCO).
I just think it’s unreasonable to assume that you could have prevented the instructor from saying those things.

You probably meant Dieter Bohlen, Dainel Kübelböck, Vernoa Feldbusch and Knut.[/quote]
:smiley: :bravo: (except Knut)

Oh, and here are the consequences: German officer dismissed for racism

Clearly, the German military leadership should collectively resign for this horrible event. How could individual soldiers do such a thing without being encouraged by the leadership. Angela Merkel should step down. The entire Parliament should resign in disgrace. The entire judiciary must also resign for having allowed such an occurrence. 100 percent prevention of all crime by anyone in the military should be the goal and reasonable expectation of us all…

I couldn’t agree more with Herr Freidrich Klempner here.

I say Germany should just entirely surrender once again to the Allies. Heck, let’s divide up again. Cuz they simply can’t handle governance. We’ll redraw the map that way it was in the good old days of Charles. I get the Principality of Mecklenburg. Herr Klempner, why don’t you take the Swabians.

No, thank you. I despise the accent…

No, thank you. I despise the accent…[/quote]

of course, you would, you “Prussian”.

Side benefit: Merkel would be stopped meddling with climate changes by relocating tornadoes to Afghanistan.

Regarding the division: would one along the lines of ALDI Nord and ALDI Süd be okay with you two?

:smiley: :bravo: (except Knut)[/quote]

You are sooooo lucky Raab lost that fight against Halmich the other week. :sunglasses:

Another consequence (and reeeeeally good comeback): New York extended an open invitation to the Bundeswehr to visit the Bronx.

That was funny. :smiley:


What is Germany’s moral posture regarding Afghanistan these days? strength through prayer?

But he still lives. :s

Can they bring their guns?

Of course, because guns make America save :wink:

What New York should do though is hire someone like let’s say Chris Rock and then have him pull a surprise act on the visitors and ridiculte the German delegation of doing a mock act of the “big 'n mean ghetto bronx gang nigga” “attacking” them. :smiley:

Careful. White people are not allowed to use that word… Ya dig?

Careful. White people are not allowed to use that word… Ya dig?[/quote]

That’s why we hire Chris Rock saying it and not Jim Carrey. :wink: