German caught with heroin at CKS airport

There’s a reason they call them mules; you’d have to be a real jack ass to do it! :unamused:


[quote=“citizen k”]There’s a reason they call them mules; you’d have to be a real Jack ass to do it! :unamused:


Yes, I agree they are jackasses, but I also think it takes a certain amount of courage to either swallow or strap to one’s body a substance which if one gets caught, can result in a long-term imprisonment or even the death penalty. I don’t respect, admire or like drug smugglers, but I do feel that their actions reveal a certain degree of bravery.

He will do plenty of bird.

Would you really call that “brave”? I always feel bravery implies some noble motivation or underlying cause. I’d call it ‘foolhardy’ myself :slight_smile:

Most of the ones I’ve known have been either naive kids or junkies – at least the ones who have done it for such footling amounts of money.

Would you really call that “brave”? I always feel bravery implies some noble motivation or underlying cause. I’d call it ‘foolhardy’ myself :slight_smile:[/quote]

Foolhardy, yes, stupid, yes, jackass, yes, brave, yes.

Better a brave, foolhardy jack ass that a cowardly, foolhardy jack ass??? :s :s :s You mean like Custer at his Last Stand?


certain airlines mark something on your boarding pass that makes you get searched I noticed, like some number code, i dont know if they select that when they print your boarding pass, or f its jsut pre determined in some airlines, but ever since i stopped carrying money around in a bag with a dollar sign on it…

Whatever happened to that guy in the first post? Does anybody know? I tried to google the name “Andreas Linek” but couldn’t find any results after the first article back in May (and I don’t watch tv nor read newspapers :blush: ). That’s the second German threatened with death penalty because of drugs in not much time, isn’t it? There was that girl in Singapore not long ago.

Not that I don’t consider it incredibly stupid to carry drugs around on flights, especially in SE Asia :unamused:


There probably won’t be another word about it in the media until he’s sentenced (we can just about take it for granted that he will be convicted no matter what kind of defence he might try to put up), and probably not even then unless he receives the death penalty (extremely unlikely) or life imprisonment. Cases like this are usually not considered as being of much interest to the general public except at the time of arrest.

One time after a long working stint in Taiwan, i arrived in Bangkok, cash in the bank and ready to fulfill my wanderlust around Asia. I went to an Isreali restaruant off of Kao San rd to get some yummy hummus and other middle eastern delicacies not available in Taiwan. The restaraunt was crowded so I had to sit with at a table with a stranger. Being the friendly kinda Texas guy I am, I started a nice chat with this stranger. Of course the topic of Taiwan came up. He said “I also just came from Taiwan.” “I lived there for 8 years at the Taoyuan jail.” The food in my mouth suddenly became hard to swallow. He added “I was caught trying to smuggle heroin in from Thailand.” He then went on to tell me the conditions at the Taoyuan jail etc etc etc… He also added that it would be kind if I or anyone I knew would deliver some books and perhaps some Indian food to his friends he made.

Let’s hope he doesn’t get the death penalty. People make mistakes.

Does anyone know exactly where the prison in Taiwan is that houses foreigners? It may sound strange but I would like to visit some of the foreigners who are imprisoned here. I know this is done is places like Thailand.
I think the foreigners in jail here would like to have a visit by another foreigner and I would be willing to bring something like cigs/ mags to them. If anyone knows how I can do this in Taiwan or where the prison is, I would appreciate such information. Thanks

Cableguy, the Catholic church here organizes prison visits of the kind you have in mind. I expect some other churches and organizations do too, but your best way to find out about such things would probably be to call a Catholic priest at one of the churches here and ask him about it. If he doesn’t know, he could probably put you in touch with someone who does. I’m sure they’re always glad to bring in new volunteers to join them in this work, and I suppose it wouldn’t matter too much to them whether or not you’re a member of their church.

Thanks much for the information. I will definately contact the folks you mentioned.