German with German master's degree in English on Working Holiday Visa - any chance?

Glückwunsch! I have a job as sales but they want to change my working holiday visa to an arc. It took me many days to explain them that a working visa is fine to work and I don’t need anything else. They finally made some phone calls to the labour department and got it confirmed. However they still try to get me an arc, well I can live with that.

Danke! Technically, if you have a working holiday visa, each employment shouldn’t exceed the duration of 3 months. I guess your job does / will, so that’s why they want to get an ARC for you? Anyway, I’d think that having one is better than having a WH visa, since it will be valid for one year, which will extend your stay depending on when you got the WH visa. The downside is that you have to get a new ARC if you change jobs (if I understand it correctly.) I’d love to get an ARC for what I’m doing :frowning: