Get rid of the ROC year numbering system (Facebook campaign)

really do not see why this is such a big deal, I have to admit that it was a trouble for me especially in my first days here but eventually you get used to it. It is part of their history, part of their culture, as long as they also use the international year i do not see why there is a problem. Muslims have also their own year numbering system, some Christian Orthodox also use a slightly different calendar (no difference in years but in days). All these differences are what make every culture different and beautiful in a way.


[quote=“Taiwanlight Zone”]Tommy 525 said:

"J[quote]apanese (and Koreans) have some sort of connection to CHina as well, because they are largely Han people as well. Korea in Korean is Hankuk, which is Han country as i recall.

Course the japanese have some ainu mixed up there and also barbarian blood of the northern tribes , same as Koreans.

Taiwanese are Chinese, taiwanese aboriginal mixes along with a dash of westerner here and there. "[/quote]

Well, Tommy, if we go back far enough we’re all from Africa. But whisper that in the Far East.

You might also be interested to google/wiki 'Chinese mummies" A program by National Geographic a little while back showed that, alas for our Chinese brothers, (yeah they’re not heavy, they’re our brothers :roll) the bloodline got “contaminated” by Europeans a long time ago.[/quote]

Actually i venture to say we are all from Taiwan :slight_smile: Atlantis is just off the north near okinawa too. Thats why Uroducos is over there, trying to find the lost tribe.