"Get tanked" at Forumosa Nov. Happy Hour at JB's!

Forumosa will be having their November Happy Hour at JB’s Bar & Restaurant, Thursday November 9th from 8:00 until late! Ian from JB’s has promised us some sort of drink specials - he should have the details for us in the next day or two.

Also, for all those of you who have been so patiently waiting for your Beijing Olympic Tank T-Shirt - Good News! You’ll be able to pick them up Thursday night - please have exact change prepared - I won’t be able to break any thousands. :slight_smile:

PS: JB’s is located at 148 Shi-Da Road.

Hey guys - I got the shirts today, so make sure you come to JBs on Thursday night!

Ian’s offering Forumosans $100 Heinekens all night, as well as $150 Stellas, and large bottles of Carlsburg for 200. :beer:

PS I have it on good account that redwagon will be making his way up to Taipei for his first Happy Hour. It’s good to know that free drinks for moderators draws them in all the way from Taichung! :yay:

PS I have it on good account that redwagon will be making his way up to Taipei for his first Happy Hour.[/quote]I bet attendance will be down 50% now that this cat is out of it’s bag! :wink:

Excellent - we should get more of the 'Chungers out for these - maybe we can run a special bus or something (it could be big and red and…).

Great food and beer at JBs too - their stout is the best I’ve tasted and I think they’re the only place that stocks it.

And all this 30 seconds walk from the MRT (Taipower Building, Exit 4) on the green line - this is the most convenient happy hour for me in a long time!


Special bus? That sounds very familiar somehow… :ponder:

Great! Any specials for people who don’t drink beer?

Or are the specials actually supplied by the beer companies?

If it’s special for forumosans it should be for ALL forumosans, and offered by the laoban. Or it can be a coincidental beer promotion night with no pretense.

Thank you. I like the food at JB’s, by the way. And the cider. Better than that rubbish Bob’s just put in.

[quote=“Maoman”]Hey guys - I got the shirts today, so make sure you come to JBs on Thursday night!

Ian’s offering Forumosans $100 Heinekens all night, as well as $150 Stellas, and large bottles of Carlsburg for 200. :beer:


Carlsburg? … A new beer in Town? :smiley:

[quote=“Taffy”]Excellent - we should get more of the 'Chungers out for these - maybe we can run a special bus or something (it could be big and red and…).

Great food and beer at JBs too - their stout is the best I’ve tasted and I think they’re the only place that stocks it.

And all this 30 seconds walk from the MRT (Taipower Building, Exit 4) on the green line - this is the most convenient happy hour for me in a long time!


30 seconds going there … but heading back could take a little longer … :laughing:

I’ll be there. Redwagon, are you ferrying any other Taichung forumosans up? :slight_smile:

[quote=“Maoman”]Hey guys - I got the shirts today, so make sure you come to JBs on Thursday night!

Ian’s offering Forumosans $100 Heinekens all night, as well as $150 Stellas, and large bottles of Carlsburg for 200. :beer:

PS I have it on good account that redwagon will be making his way up to Taipei for his first Happy Hour. It’s good to know that free drinks for moderators draws them in all the way from Taichung! :yay:[/quote]

How does one identifiy yourself as Forumosan at this event. Never beeen to a happy hour but will be in the area tomorrow night, so might come

[quote=“TNT”][quote=“Maoman”]Hey guys - I got the shirts today, so make sure you come to JBs on Thursday night!

Ian’s offering Forumosans $100 Heinekens all night, as well as $150 Stellas, and large bottles of Carlsburg for 200. :beer:

PS I have it on good account that redwagon will be making his way up to Taipei for his first Happy Hour. It’s good to know that free drinks for moderators draws them in all the way from Taichung! :yay:[/quote]

How does one identifiy yourself as Forumosan at this event. Never beeen to a happy hour but will be in the area tomorrow night, so might come[/quote]

Just tell them that you’re there for the HH, or wear a name tag.

name tags people… name tags are geeky things to do, but without them I walked right by MONSTER of all people one night.


Is this the same JD’s as in JDSmith ?


midterms are prepared, so there is some free time tonight.

any chance you could pull it over in taoyuan as you pass through and let me jump in? meet you near/next to the freeway?

I’d appreciate a non-beer special too. Cheap red wine? G’n’Ts?


Also, for all those of you who have been so patiently waiting for your Beijing Olympic Tank T-Shirt - Good News! You’ll be able to pick them up Thursday night - please have exact change prepared - I won’t be able to break any thousands. :slight_smile: [/quote]

What is the price? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

any chance you could pull it over in Taoyuan as you pass through and let me jump in? meet you near/next to the freeway?[/quote]Unless anyone else wants to jump on this bandwagon, I think I will take the bus up. Doesn’t seem worth driving up alone.

Also, for all those of you who have been so patiently waiting for your Beijing Olympic Tank T-Shirt - Good News! You’ll be able to pick them up Thursday night - please have exact change prepared - I won’t be able to break any thousands. :slight_smile: [/quote]

What is the price? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.[/quote]

Here: forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … ht=t-shirt
NTD 400.
It’s not so “hidden” among the bold text in the first line.

This post has been edited for accuracy.

Uhm, is there any food served?