Getting a comprehensive STD test - where?

Over the past 24 hours, I have visited the hospital, the post office and the tax office. All the people were polite, efficient, professional, friendly and helpful.

While many elements of policy are unpalatable, I have no complaints about these things as I have had exemplary care for very little cost during my time in Taiwan (apart from that shitbox in Panchiao that made me sign a legal waiver in Chinese before they would operate, may they rot in the bad place…). My one question is; can I get my NHI contributions refunded if I catch a ‘communicable disease’ from a Taiwanese citizen?

Well…that is the reason for the boot, isn’t it. And I am curious as to the policies of various country for admission of known HIV + immigrants.

a related story from the USA:
New Jersey Targets HIV Transmissions

I find that last sentence absolutely staggering.

I’m just not sure why you’ve decided to single out Taiwan in this case. Its pretty standard. Except in the UK, where I expect they give you knighthood for catching it or something.
It just seems to me from your other posts that you’re always keen to rail against the Taiwanese for this or that, when they’re really no better or worse than anyone else. It seems all the more ironic to me, too, that you’re a Brit. Look to your own country if you want ample examples of third world government fuckwittery and social dysfunction.

Err… cos the OP is in Taiwan. Anybody know for certain where you can have confidential tests? It might help the OP.

So you do agree with it. Nice.

Just want to say that there are other reasons to have an HIV test. When one of my best friends found out she was positive she kept it a secret. She found out at the same time she found out she was pregnant. The medical staff advised her that her child could be born healthy, so she decided to have the child. Upon the onset of delivery, a nurse walked into the room to ask her some questions in prep for a procedure and asked her how long she’d been HIV positive. The entire family was in the room and we were all stunned. As a result of that fallout, we all decided to be tested–absolutly not because we thought we might have gotten it from her. We decided it might be good to know a little of what it must have been like for her.

In my case, it wouldn’t have been impossible as there had been some “unprotected” relations. Even though I felt like it was extremely unlikely, the waiting was very nerve racking. It did help to relate to why she’d wanted to keep it her secret, because it’s very personal and devistating even to think about. She also wanted to spare us feelings of loss, or fear of loss. It was a valuable experience for us to think even just a fraction of how she felt.

I don’t think it’s a lovely thing to be reported for being positive, but I think it’s understandable. Life isn’t fair in many, many ways for the HIV positive. My friend graduated from uni last year, but will never use her education. She draws disability and has gov health insurance that pays for her meds–which cost about 3 grand a month. There is no way that she could earn enough to pay that herself, as she’s completely un-insurable for any employee health plan. She also can’t get life insurance. There are many things that will never be fair about her life.

(By the way, the baby was born healthy and has never had any symptoms. She’s now very nearly 9 years old.)

HJopefully the person she was having unprotected sex with knew about here HIV status!

There is a discrete testing place somewhere. There were signs up about where to go for discrete testing at Grandma Nitti’s eons ago. I presume they’re still there.


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]HJopefully the person she was having unprotected sex with knew about here HIV status!


Huh? I’m not sure I get what you mean? My friend? She got it from a boyfriend she’d broken up with more than two years before. She simply had no symptoms so hadn’t been tested. She found out because all pregnant women are tested. She’s still with the father of her child and he’s never gotten it.

Yeah, while we are all arguing about this and that, the OP is still wondering.

Agree with that do you? Sandman says you have no right to medical privacy, and should be deported if you have HIV(?)[/quote]

Do you know how many cases there are of arsehole immigrants in Australia knowingly passing on HIV to locals? Well I have no idea, but there are some cases. This is enough to justify kicking out foreigners who test positive.

Oh, and don’t be such a f’ing pussy man. If you’re so scared that you may have it because of some compromising situations, Not getting the test done just means you won’t know for even longer…and if you’ve got it, well f*ck, you may as well go home anyway because your life is basically over.

Oh yeh, and you might want to order one of these:

From my own experience, I think foreign women should be exempt from STD-related deportation because the chances of them having sex during their stay in Taiwan, especially with a local, is next to zero.

Just trying to be helpful. This is the address of the one in Ximending, but I think they may have changed the name to center for disease control or something. With these government websites it’s hard to tell sometimes. From here.

[quote]Taipei City STD Control Center
Address: No. 100, Kun Ming St., Taipei, Taiwan 108
Tel: 886-2-2370-3738
Fax: 886-2-2370-3750
Registration hours: 8:00~11:30, 13:00~16:30.
(1) 8:00~11:30, 13:00~16:30.
(2) Tuesday & Friday: 17:00~20:30
OPD hours:9:00~12:00, 13:30~17:00, Tuesday & Friday: 17:30~21:00

Then I found this little blurb somewhere.

Err… cos the OP is in Taiwan. Anybody know for certain where you can have confidential tests? It might help the OP.
Precisely, Which is why I offered at least two options to the OP. Your “contributions” on the other hand, amount to whining about the government and making snide remarks regarding “the Taiwanese.” Very useful.

It has been over a week since I initially started this thread, in which time I have now seen a doctor, been tested and got my results today, so I would like to update this a little more.

Now, I will not get into name-calling, because I understand that a lot can be simply attributed to poor translation and misunderstanding by the Taiwanese staff working at the different hospitals. But this is my recent experience:

So over a week ago when there were no specific recommendations from Forumosa, and only a name list of hospitals, I decided to start calling.

Hospital A told me they don’t do special tests for STDs, they only do the standard HIV and Syphilis that are part of the compulsory ARC health check.

So, I tried hospital B and they told me exactly the same. So, I asked them for a referral or recommendation of a place that would test for more, to which they replied that ‘It is not our policy to recommend the services or facilities of other hospitals’.

Hospital C told me that I can’t have all the tests together, instead I would have to book separate appointments and keep coming back for successive examinations to check for different things.

That weekend shift was drawing to a close so by now no-one would admit me for an appointment.

Over that last weekend I called a Taiwanese-friend-of-a-friend for any suggestions. Their reply was they only knew about the Ximending clinic. They had heard the Ximending clinic gave a 7-in-1 STD check.

I called the clinic last Monday morning to enquire and they told me they no longer do that 7-in-1 test, they only test the standard 2 STDs as mentioned above. So by now I had decided to be a bit more forthright in my questions and asked them where I could go to get checked over for other STDs. Their basic reply was:
“Why, have you had un-protected sex?”
“So, have you got any STD symptoms?”
“Well, what’s the point then?”

I was frustrated with the whole apathetic tone, to say the least. So I decided to just go directly into the nearest hospital and be a lot more demanding.

I visited the Taiwan Adventist Hospital and went to the medical centre at the rear of the building on the 1st floor. This is where they used to run the health check service for foreign ARCs, but don’t anymore.

Here they have the ‘Priority Care Center’ which is basically a small private medical centre, therefore you can’t use your national health insurance card - you just pay directly – but you get seen to very quickly with next-to-no wait.

Mos, thanks for your very helpful and pertinent information regarding this issue. It’s great to have names and not just rumors or irrelevant crap. To quote Tainan Cowboy:

“It is amazing how many people mistake a certain hip snideness for sophistication.”…Thomas Sowell

Your girl is very lucky to have someone so responsible and caring. :slight_smile: Have a wonderful and healthy new year!

[quote=“mos”]Now there have been over 1,100 views of this thread in just over a week, yet there have been only 2 constructive comments from 2 members. (Thank you Dr McCoy and Sandman)

Which means either there is a very large number of people who specifically came on this thread because they too are desperate for such information.

Or it could mean, rather pathetically, that a very large number of people viewed this thread to satisfy their self-pride by hoping to read about my fall from grace. Sorry, to disappoint you.

I sincerely hope it is the former and therefore I trust that the information I have been able to give is of serious help to a number of people.[/quote]
You should have also had the good doctor remove that stick up your ass. “Hate to be rude”? You do it well.

You initially stated you were looking for a test. People were view the thread but not responding, so I chipped in: “I think the clinic you’re looking for is in Ximending.” You responded by jumping down my throat.

Chewycorns responded with advice that pretty much mirrors what you later posted. Would have saved yourself a lot of hassle had you started there. Where’s his thanks?

Snooker provided info on the privacy issue; no thanks there? Or none called for because you’re not interested in privacy?

Whatever. Next time, a spoon full of sugar with your meds. And you’ll get served a lot faster if you climb down off that high horse of yours.

I asked whether the ‘deportation rule’ was still in effect to warn you what you might be dealing with, not for any other reason. Fairly constructive, I think.

You would seriously give your partner’s parents a copy of your STD test results? Why is it she wants to sleep with you again? You must be really hot.


mos, welcome to Forumosa.
I hope we see more of your well thought out posts.
I think you’re completely correct for saying you got a lot of crap, and not a lot of help.
Just ignore the people slagging you.
And keep posting. :slight_smile:

So where can I go to get a case of that comprehensive STD?