Getting attacked by dogs


Edit: I see you found it already

The pack of stray dogs in the riverside park I exercise in the early mornings seem to be getting more and more out of control. Saw them running aggressively towards a pet owner the other day. This morning 7, 8 of them ventured onto the main riverside road (Huanhe Road) causing a motorcyclist to crash. Bike damaged, lots of bruises, otherwise the man was OK. Four other people rushed to help the man, which was nice to see. People getting up at 5:30 to exercise are good people.

Not sure what to do about the dogs, report them? Let them be? I know it’s not their fault that they have to live like that, but you can’t have them endanger humans like that either, right?


Every time I go running, but those aren’t really stray dogs. The farmers keep them in/around their mango fields as a form of security.

I think it should be illegal to keep guard dogs in Taiwan. Nobody secures/leashes them properly, and every so often they actually kill people.


If you ask the government every so often they will catch and kill them, repeating the cycle as necessary…

I sometimes see a guy leaving his house with his pack of eight dogs. Same routine…get on the motorcycle while the dogs gather around …then roll down the road against the traffic flow. Luckily is large road in small town. Yesterday when I saw this I noted 100 meters away 3 dogs came out to the road to watch. Then another 100 meters away another 3 dogs came out to watch. Combine these with the 2 dogs on the other side of the road watching…then that is 16 dogs within a 200 meter stretch.


I heard in the old days when they used to eat dogs there were hardly any strays… especially winter.


I think the dogs around my house could easily feed a small town for a year.
