Getting Chinese tourist visa in Hong Kong

Hi my fellow Americans,
If I go to the China Visa office in Wanchai/Hong Kong, how much money will
I have to pay for a Chinese tourist/L visa? What specifically do I have to provide? (just passport?)
Please reply ASAP.

Thank you,
pizza :slight_smile:

i dont think this belongs in the ā€˜life in taiwanā€™ forumā€¦but iā€™ll answer anyway

remember that this was last yearā€™s experience. no idea if itā€™s the same now.

last summer i went to the macau chinese immigration office onā€¦i forget but some street that began with R in portugueseā€¦

i went to the taibaozheng desk and spoke mandarin ā€˜because i live in taiwan provinceā€™, they ā€˜pulled some stringsā€™ and i didnt have to meet any of the requirements like having US$700 of cash on me. they copied some chinese personā€™s sponsorship information off another application, i paid the same amount of money as hong kong, and got it done same day. also, there was absolutely no line at the macau one, BUT the best they could get me was a two week L. i fixed that once i got to beijing by paying off a visa agent, but itā€™s still a pain in the ass.

as far as the hong kong office, hereā€™s the website:
just remember: the rules change constantly with no prior warning, and whether or not these rules get enforced depends entirely on the workerā€™s mood at that moment. i find they are nicer to you if you speak chinese or can joke around in cantonese a little with them.

do you have a work ARC here? a taiwanese travel agent can get you an F. itā€™s a little more money but it saves a lot of hassle

thatā€™s also what i want to ask other people hereā€¦travel agents have told me that you can only get an F using a WORK ARC, is there any way around this? iā€™ve got a summer camp job lined up (same job as last year), but i need an F visa. i currently have a student ARC here from zhengda. is there some easy way to get an F without applying for language school in mainland and just not going to class?

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the info. ā€œI paid the same amount of money as Hong Kong.ā€ * Since Iā€™ll be going to Hong Kong, how much will I
have to pay? (Iā€™m American. I donā€™t know if that will make any difference.) Please reply ASAP!


i donā€™t remember how much it was, but i already gave you the website. good luck!