Getting English on Taiwan Sports Channels

Have been in 2 hotels recently on the island and an MLB game was on Channel 72 a few mornings with an English feed. Anyone know how I can configure my LG Smart TV to get the English language announcers rather than the Taiwanese ones?

There is usually a button on the remote to change the language setting. Works on a lot of cartoon channels too. Might need to check the manual on your TV to figure out which button it is

Thanks Meish, No such button on my “smart” TV remote. Either that or my TV is smarter than I.

This article shows some LG Smart Tv settings for changing the language , maybe it helps

From LG page, the 3 dots yellow button should be the one that change the language


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Thanks for the tip Chy. I really got my hopes up after viewing your diagram as it was very similar to my remote. Alas, pushing the small yellow button near the bottom did not change my MLB game to English. I’ll go thru the article you forwarded for another possible solution.

My LG Remote