Getting rid of aggression

I really want to knife the little shit through his shrivelled black little heart. However, this is not, at this point in time, a plausible course of action.

My usual MO would be to pretend it didn’t happen, or to snap and move to Bangkok.

How do other forumosans deal with impotent rage? Any altenatives to going on a killing spree appreciated.

What happened?

The [b]what[/b] is not the point.

I hang out with my son.

Do you babysit? :smiley: Like maybe this Sat night during the Muddy Basin Ramblers show?

If not…ice cream…hoggendaz, tiramisu.

Buttercup wrote: [quote] Any alternatives to going on a killing spree appreciated.[/quote]

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Sorry, no idea. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

I’ll be working all weekend, but thanks for the offer of a loan.

I prefer release. You can choice not to accept that shit. Yeah, yeah… can’t stop him from taking a dump on your head, but you can choose to not let it stick to you. Breath in, breath out, let it go, don’t let it stick.

You’re not Agrajag, are you???:eek:

When things in general really stress me out and I feel way too tense, I go for a post-work nighttime walk up a mountain or in the peaceful old street in my city. Usually by the time I get to the intended far point away from home I feel better, and after I turn around to come back I don’t let myself think about whatever anymore. If it has a solution, then it’ll be fixed and so there’s no point worrying about it. If it has no solution, it can’t be fixed, and there’s also thus no point in worrying. That’s led me to believe that sometime the best thing to do about any situation bothering me is just refuse to think about or talk about it anymore - no progress is made and it sure as hell doesn’t make me feel any better. Try walking it out.

You’re not Agrajag, are you???:eek:[/quote]

Nope, don’t worry.

You’re not Agrajag, are you???:eek:[/quote]

Nope, don’t worry.[/quote]
Oh, thank fuck.
As for the bastard. Let it go.
Or get drunk.
Or get even.
Depends who it is and what he did.
I recommend letting it go, otherwise he maintains a hold on you.

Dr Tyc00n recommends 2 bottle of C

Have you thought about going to the gym and taking it out on a heavy bag or speed bag or anything that is meant to be hit repeatedly.

I have a wife for that :laughing:

I get shit faced drunk and end up dreaming about the days back home where I could do something about it my way. Instead I’m stuck tryin to play the game here. Some fuckers in Taipei should consider themselves lucky that they’re here and not back home.


Enough of that. I’m pretty well adjusted now. screw face YIK YIK YIK!

The one thing I must give Taiwan is the fact that it has forced me to realize that it doesn’t have to end up that way and that there’s other means. Taiwan has certainly given me an alternative education on how a society works.

Xanax… don’t get mad, get horizontal.

I have a wife for that :laughing:[/quote]

Some humor flies straight over my head…

[quote=“Buttercup”]I really want to knife the little shit through his shrivelled black little heart. However, this is not, at this point in time, a plausible course of action.

My usual MO would be to pretend it didn’t happen, or to snap and move to Bangkok.

How do other forumosans deal with impotent rage? Any altenatives to going on a killing spree appreciated.[/quote]

I grab my digital recorder and just start complaining. Later, when I have the chance, I sit down and listen to it and laugh. Don’t think…just keep on with the rant. Doesn’t matter if you stay on subject. “Kill your editor” and don’t worry about if it offends anyone, any group, etc. Don’t sit there and play “middle ground” during your rant. Either hate what you’re talking about at the moment and want it to burn in hell…or love it and wish it happiness, ice cream, and gumdrop smiles.

You’ll get good at the ranting thing over time. Nobody hurt and you’ll realize just how big little problems can feel (or even big problems…but at least you know you’ll survive through them with no harm done.)


Not being impotent, I don’t have this rage to deal with, but if you do, try busying yourself furiously doing housework. Ok, it doesn’t work very well, but it saps your energy, and when you’re done, at least the house is clean.


Yoga. Seriously. It works. A long hot bath, followed by yoga, followed by a hot cup of tea. And I’m ready to let it all go.

I get rid of my aggression by pounding the shit out of any asshole that looks at me wrong. Then I sit down have a latte and if I am in the mood stomp the shit out of their face until there is nothing but a gooyey mess.

I think I will have fun picking on the Taiwanese mafia.