My friends neighbour was in her bedroom yesterday and when she went to pull open the door (which was unlocked) she found that she couldn’t open it. It was as if it were locked. She panicked and called her mother. Her mother pushed the door open with ease.
NOW they are saying they have a ghost there. NOW they are saying that sometimes objects get moved about and they can’t explain the objects new location. NOW they are saying that an old lady died there 15 years ago.
TOM thinks they are just massive massive idiots who a) can’t open doors and b) don’t remember that they have moved things themselves.
[quote=“TomHill”]My friends neighbour was in her bedroom yesterday and when she went to pull open the door (which was unlocked) she found that she couldn’t open it. It was as if it were locked. She panicked and called her mother. Her mother pushed the door open with ease.
NOW they are saying they have a ghost there. NOW they are saying that sometimes objects get moved about and they can’t explain the objects new location. NOW they are saying that an old lady died there 15 years ago.
TOM thinks they are just massive massive idiots who a) can’t open doors and b) don’t remember that they have moved things themselves.
But what do YOU think?[/quote]
Edit: Um. Well anyway, I think stupidity is a good thing.
[quote=“sandman”][quote=“TomHill”]My friends neighbour was in her bedroom yesterday and when she went to pull open the door (which was unlocked) she found that she couldn’t open it. It was as if it were locked. She panicked and called her mother. Her mother pushed the door open with ease.
NOW they are saying they have a ghost there. NOW they are saying that sometimes objects get moved about and they can’t explain the objects new location. NOW they are saying that an old lady died there 15 years ago.
TOM thinks they are just massive massive idiots who a) can’t open doors and b) don’t remember that they have moved things themselves.
But what do YOU think?[/quote]
Edit: Um. Well anyway, I think stupidity is a good thing. [/quote]
Oh Sandman, did we have a little trouble with physics for a moment there dearie?
gee, do you notice how the temperature has just fallen dramatically, right about here. we are in a pool of cold air. there must be a ghost in the forum…surely?
are the hairs on the back of your neck sticking up yet?
pull from inside the room, push from outside the room. i think the physics might be OK, Tom.
I don’t believe in ghosts either, but I like being in situations that scare the hell out of me (non violent/dangerous ones that is).
I stayed in a small camping trailer in deep dark upstate New York, all by my lonesome one night after I had seen The Blair Witch Project. That, mixed with some fine local herbal remedy for my ailments…well, let’s say the hair on my neck stills stands up thinking about it.
An interesting question is, given the local belief in ghosts, why are there no self-styled “ghostbusters” around to take financial advantage of this? The answer, I propose, is that the belief in ghosts serves some kind of social purpose which easy exorcism would defeat. They need their ghosts in order to…what? Help social cohesion?
(Cf. Elaine Pagels who says the early Christian belief in Satan was inspired by their need to “demonize” outsiders.)
I’ve never heard of anybody sending for a ghostbuster. They all seem to think they need to keep on putting out trays of food every year. (Appeasement!)
Ghosts are either the spackwit drivel of people you really shouldn’t be talking to (of the same water as astrology believers) or psychiatric events which are ‘real’. Wasn’t there a thread on this a few months ago? BFM-ly in origin? Carol Ann? Carol Ann?
[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]Really? Who are you talking about–the Taoists?
I’ve never heard of anybody sending for a ghostbuster. They all seem to think they need to keep on putting out trays of food every year. (Appeasement!)[/quote]
I don’t know if they are Taoist or what, all I know is there are a few groups (religious) who take care of these kind of problems for people.
A little kid at one of my schools freaked out after I left the other day. Apparently he was seeing dead people everywhere. He was so scared they took him to the hospital overnight and to the temple the next day. He’s been wearing little charm bracelets ever since. Weird.
I find the prevelance of really strange flourescent lighting and dark alleys everywhere here, It’s no wonder people think there’s ghosts everywhere.
There are, and a LOT of people get snookered into paying big NT$$ for “exorcisms” here. I’m not talking about Taoist priests doing traditional blessings, but self-proclaimed “masters” (i.e. scamsters).
Of course, there might be people whose chosen system of belief embraces the existence of spirits in the everyday world, which would, accordingly, make this entire thread an exercise in religious intolerance.
And, of course, commensurately, make those who were arrogant enough to posit unequivocal dismissal of same, ill-mannered cunts.
Just saying, is all.
[quote=“Buttercup”]Ghosts are either the spackwit drivel of people you really shouldn’t be talking to (of the same water as astrology believers) or psychiatric events which are ‘real’. Wasn’t there a thread on this a few months ago? BFM-ly in origin? Carol Ann? Carol Ann?[/quote]What’s that supposed to mean ?
[quote=“the chief”]Of course, there might be people whose chosen system of belief embraces the existence of spirits in the everyday world, which would, accordingly, make this entire thread an exercise in religious intolerance.
And, of course, commensurately, make those who were arrogant enough to posit unequivocal dismissal of same, ill-mannered cunts.
Just saying, is all.[/quote]
Man, it was just a movie, chief. Make-believe. You’re still alive really.