
Only two blades, too. Not only are they pretty good, they last a good while, too.

The only drawback I had was shaving my head. No cuts, but because they lack heft I always feel like I’m fighting against the razor twisting in my fingers.

Hah. Just went and checked the last one I have, and it’s not Bic. It’s Gillette. Son of a. :cry:

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Any Japanese pharmacy should have the new old fashioned replaceable safety razors. 300 to 400 NTD.經典老式刮胡刀男士剃須手動剃須刀架片帶收納盒-100525309836交換禮物-刮鬍刀-經典老式刮胡刀男士剃須手動剃須刀架-100535728430

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This one’s got to be for pussies.

Are you kidding? Those things can tear your face up like a bag of feral cats.

Incredibly so, the Japanese ones are very gentle. Yes, I do have a mustache and I shave it with one of those.

So @Icon agrees they are suitable for the pussy.

Dear sir,
as a non native speaker of English, I think you do not realize tghat, even though media has desentized us to it, that term should not be allowed in printed form. It is not a word that can be thrown around in polite company.

TMI, dude. :astonished:

Family curse: men have baby butt faces, women are blessed with hairy arms and manly facial hair. Friggin genetics!

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and interpreted “pussy” in that sentence as “wimp.” But of course you probably inferred the correct interpretation.

The first one, yeah, there was ambiguation. The second, yeah, it had darker intentions.

I´ll get to him IRL and pull somewhere it hurts, don´t worry.

Grab him by the masala and make him scream, “Jesus”!

The moustache?

The soul patch.


who the hell is that? He looks like a Gerry Anderson puppet.

Billy Bob Thornton.

It is? Wow. Someone appears to have dipped him in lacquer. Or possibly liquor.

Angelina Jolie’s ex.

Actors usually age weirdly.

I’ve just read Billy Bob’s bio and he’s batshit. He’s been married 6 times, has a phobia of antique furniture and metal spoons. On set the caterers have to use plastic spoons.

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The ears, like a naughty child.

I have not seen you grow a proper traditional handlebar moustache.