Give me some good diversification ideas for stocks or other asset classes

Fair enough, I am certainly not an expert either. However that google paper seemed to be a real breakthrough. It’s like AI isn’t it, always one step away until it gets over the hump.

Cryptocurrency has been through similar hype phases for at least seven years and very little useful come out of it yet for sure , but I do see things moving more rapidly now, maybe we will see some breakthrough applications soon such as asset tokenisation.

The google paper is great, but they love promoting themselves.

As for Jensen’s comments. My guess is he (or the people who tell him what to say) got their numbers from the various reports, such as those produced by the global risk institute and others (focussed on risk of QC cracking RSA-2048 using Shor’s algorithm). These reports are compiled by asking proper experts (not journalists or company media reps) for their opinions on QC progress. That particular cryptography challenge is generally thought to be 15-20 years away according to those experts.

Yes there seems to be many parallels with crypto, personally though I’m a big believer in quantum computing, but not so much in crypto. I find the whole world of crypto has far too many scammers and grifters for my liking. Hopefully that will eventually be sorted out.

Good day to close some covered calls at least. :eek:

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Bought and sold RGTI again today. It’s going further down, but jumped up for a moment shortly after the bell. Got a bit of pocket💰 out of that.

Also sold RPRX to take some profit. Otherwise another red day for my portfolio.

I have too many risk assets so sold some into cash. Fear is there. You should buy in fear but I ain’t buying yet. :grimacing:

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too early for some puts? during the panic at open almost picked up NVDA 1/17/25 128 PUT for $2.3… felt it would have been either a) $230 premium in 4 days b) or 100 shares at $125.7 average… would not have minded if they were assigned as I trimmed a 100 shares a week ago at $150

Made some profit on RGTI rebound again. Hooray! Now it can drop further down. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Picked up INTA, LRN, DXPE and OPFI yesterday to complete the Top 10 list. Getting a nice bump today.


The bump is going around, dunno if it’ll outlast the day tho.

I’m up much more than the market, so I’m mildly optimistic.

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Weds is the big day…let’s see what happens.

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Glad I bought into QBTS again today. Up 20% and RGTI up 40%

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Dwave speaks.

“We believe this partnership is key to accelerating Government adoption of quantum, as it opens up access to annealing quantum computing now available through Carahsoft’s contract vehicles,” said Lorenzo Martinelli, chief revenue officer at D-Wave. “We anticipate this partnership will increase visibility, accessibility and adoption of our solutions with U.S. Government and Public Sector entities, enabling them to harness powerful, commercial-grade quantum technology today to serve our country’s interests.”

Keep it coming. PLTR did themselves a huge favor by showing off their client list.

Awesome CPI :tada: :tada: :tada:

Looks like it will be a fun day today, pre-market is jumping :blush:

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Yep, premarket going crazy. :open_mouth:

It makes sense for the cpi to be less I don’t know why they were thinking it could come in high.
This is very positive news for my portfolio though.

Nice day. Yoyo market— peace on the table in the ME, and crypto froth on the horizon.

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TSMC up big, not a massive surprise.

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Tonight will be everything done, I guess.