Fears that evidence that climate change is a hoax will encourage deniers of man-made climate change
This shit just gets more and more surreal.
While searching for the original article (it’s from last year) I came across this. Interesting in itself:
Yes we all have jets and yachts.
Since you proudly put a Taiwan place name in your monicker, I wonder if you are familiar with the environmental movement here? Do you think everyone involved in environmental issues including climate in Taiwan fits your stereotype?
Not all climate activists have private jets and expensive yachts. But most of them are eagerly hanging on every word of people who do.
50% + 1. Really?
Do you know many of them?
The meme was regarding climate activists. What leads you to conclude that “global warming”, “net zero”, and the rest of the CO2 cult has anything at all to do with “the environment”?
The people popping up on TV promoting insane “mitigation efforts” are, mostly, people who are doing quite nicely financially from the whole grift and who have a larger carbon footprint than most of us (although to be fair, that’s often because they didn’t do science in high school and don’t realise that - for example - eschewing airplanes to get from A to B means that you’re going to increase your carbon footprint if you still travel from A to B).
When the average person sees this, they generally think “hmm, there might be more to this than meets the eye”. A few other examples of the same phenomenon spring to mind, such as BLM, and Bill Gates and his Magic Injections. If you claim that you’re not listening to them, you should at least wonder what on earth they’re up to.
Unfortunately I have met a lot who can parrot off the whole mankind’s CO₂ is causing Climate Change (formerly Global Warming) narrative which is pushed through most media outlets.
Also, the scientific journals
“Scientific Journals” these days are basically the National Inquirer for people who can understand long words but don’t have much knowledge of science, engineering, economics, or … well, anything at all, really.
People pontificating over “Scientific Journals” are the modern equivalent of Karl Marx sitting in his library coming up with theories that work fine in libraries, but not in the real world. And the end result is going to be much the same.
I challenge anyone who thinks we’re going to save the planet with solar panels etc to start by getting his own house off-grid by installing solar panels. By himself. At his own expense. Anyone who hasn’t done this is talking out of the incorrect orifice, and anyone who has done it will have deeper appreciation of the practical issues involved than any number of “scientific journals” will be able to convey.
Interesting. We should all be living on boats by now:
Current affairs show from 1988 predicts “very considerable increases in sea level by around 2020-2025” as a result of “burning fossil fuels”—as well as the imposition of draconian government measures “to reduce CO2 emissions”.
“Less fuel-efficient cars will cost more… There will be an attempt to cut down traffic in the inner cities by half… And perhaps most dramatic of all, you’ll have to declare how energy-efficient your house is before you sell it.”
“We will bring about so large an increase in average temperatures that we begin to melt the polar ice caps and sea levels rise, and people are predicting already very considerable increases in sea level by around 2020-2025.”
Glad to see you are finally aboard.
For further thought, have a look at how the nation of Tuvalu (one of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies) is planning ahead.
Yes, I already had the boat ready in 2019, when the expected sea rises were supposed to happen. Still waiting for Al Gore’s predictions, to come to fruition, too. Greta says we have about 8 years to save the planet (with the new corporate fascist financial system run by BlackRock that will save us).
I have dedicated all my spare cash to the Polar bears and Walruses that jump off of cliffs because of Global Boiling.
Last I heard, they’re just asking for money. According to Wikipedia, their issues with coastal erosion are caused mainly by local failures to protect their environment and damage dating back to WW2, not “sea level rise”, which is insignificant (a few inches).
But hey, if we crash the entire planetary economy, hand over all our assets to criminal finance cartels, and destroy the livelihoods of a few billion people, possibly Tuvalu can … uh, look exactly like Tuvalu does now? If it saves just one life it will be worth it!
Your sources are too limited. There’s far more going on at the level of legal studies and relations with larger neighbours including Australia.
But don’t let that get in your way.
I stand corrected. Their lawyers are asking for money too.
Climate change is the gift that keeps on giving isn’t it? Mostly to the already-rich, unfortunately.
“For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”
From a Pacific perspective, I am sorry to say you simply are not adequately informed. That’s fine, not everyone is up-to-speed. But if you’re going to post so casually and cynically about peoples’ countries and lives, you might want to read and think from Pacific perspectives first.
Unless of course you are just speaking from a First World perspective, which frankly is what it sounds like.
Well, you haven’t provided any facts that contradict my understanding, so I’m guessing it’s you who’s not up to speed. Tuvalu does not seem to be under any immediate threat from “climate change” … which is hardly surprising. And even if they were: what exactly is the rest of the world supposed to do about it? Nobody agreed to have their lives ruined in order to “prevent” some entirely hypothetical problem in the middle of the Pacific which could be dealt with - if the worst came to pass - by a leisurely evacuation. Not very nice if it came to that, of course, but hardly an apocalyptic disaster in the ebb and flow of human history (and geology).
I’m speaking from the real world, not the world of made-up numbers, computer models, and ginormous financial scams.
Who could argue with logic like that.