Go Left, Go Right

Yes, Maoman, I second that. I mentioned the thread in my post, too. Obviously, Formosas memory is rather weak :wink:


iris, formosa doesnā€™t HAVE a memory, for crying out loud!

Saw the movie after being given free tickets for the preview screening and being talked into it by my wife. Otherwise I doubt I would have gone to see this movie. I read the book before and liked it, but couldnā€™t imagine that a whole movie could be made from such a short book. Didnā€™t want to make the movie ruin the experience from the book.

Thereā€™s a lot of added scenes and characters. I think the movie will do well in Taiwan and perhaps HK. It has quite a bit of Chinese humour, which I donā€™t really understand. And the two extra characters are the typical ā€˜hyperactive Chinese funny actorsā€™ and donā€™t really match the feeling of the original story. They are used as an attempt to turn the movie from a simple romantic movie into a romantic comedy. Might have worked with the Chinese audience. Did not work for me.

Conclusion: Read the book. If you like it and like ā€˜Hey Jackyā€™ (or whatever itā€™s called) on Sunday nights, see the movie.

Saw the movie last night without encouragement from my wife (I kind of had to encourage her a little). Wonderful movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was humorous and I got the humor despite not being from Taiwan, although I have lived here for a while, I donā€™t think it is pre-requisite. The theater (Breeze Center Ambassador) was packed out.

I donā€™t agree with the comment about having to like the Sunday variety show with Jackie. I see no connection whatsoever!

I highly recommend this flick, a great romantic comedy.

Just saw it last night. Great flick! Excellent romantic comedy. I highly recommend it.

Just saw it last night. Great flick! Excellent romantic comedy. I highly recommend it.

I canā€™t belive you guys like it. :shock:

What a piece of crapola. It was a typical mushy HK romance film. Complete with enough cheesy HK-style overacting to make even Jim Carey blush.

This is what I saw in the film (if you plan on seeing it, donā€™t read any further, unless you want it spoiled):

  • An earthquake that wouldā€™ve killed 10s of thousands of people in Taipei unite two loners, who for some reason have no cell phone and never thought of exchanging names when they were rolling on the grass in a park that was cleaner than any Taipei park Iā€™ve ever seen.

Did you notice that it was filmed in Cantonese and dubbed into Mandarin?! Two Taiwanese grow up in Taipei speaking Cantoneseā€¦ very authentic. :unamused:

Gigiā€¦ a fine, girl-next-door babe made watching the film bearable
Jin-Cheng Wuā€¦ decent actor and good looking guy (until he smiles big and you see his gum diseaseā€¦ very common here in E Asia).

But, Iā€™d say give it a miss. Or just turn on your cable TV and watch any HK movie currently showing. Itā€™s the same.

Saw it on Sat. night and I didnā€™t like it either!! It wasnā€™t really what I thought it was with the story line and a lot of things that happened in the movie seems ridiculous to me. (like of like Serendipity) Too many unbelievable details happened to them which makes me wanna kick the story writer. If you are into unrealistic romance comedy then it would be a good movie to watch.

Also, I canā€™t believe how many ppl talked during the movie about what is going to happen and making stupid comments. I did my Shhhh and please be quite thingy but it still doesnā€™t work!!! I canā€™t stand it!!! If you know what is going to happen, then why donā€™t ya make a movie yourself?? :imp:

[quote=ā€œHobartā€]Wonderful movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was humorous and I got the humor despite not being from Taiwan, although I have lived here for a while, I donā€™t think it is pre-requisite. The theater was packed.

I highly recommend this flick, a great romantic comedy.[/quote]

I saw it again over the holidays,and i second my first opinion, and also hobart and iris or ironlady: this movie really, more than almost any other movie, is a real TAIWAN flick, and just the street scenes in Taipei will remind you of where you live, an international capital on a par with Tokyo, in a romantic and trendsetting way.

This is the kind of movie you will see again someday when u are back in your home country and pining for Taipei street scenes. Itā€™s fantastic.

Yes, the story is not so hot, and the subplot is even better. rent this movie and watch taipei as the star. they really did a good job.