Gogoro or 125 scooter am I allowed to drive?

New to living in Taipei from UK, visited lots of time over 3 year period and have a partner here.
I bought a Mk2 Gogoro year ago to use when living here, my partner and daughter use it but I’m not sure if I legally can on Full UK license? Can drive and insure a car no problem but most Taiwanese think I can’t drive 125cc without doing the test.
Anybody with western sense know.

you can only drive a 50cc with an international permit. you would have to get a scooter license here. which i can’t imagine is difficult aslong as you have the right visa.

Thanks for the info, guess that’s what I will have to do :frowning:

It depends on what permits you have and if reciprocity is in play. I just swapped my combined car and motorcycle license for two Taiwanese ones.(car and heavy motorcycle)

I have been told and how true?
that foreigner driving a scooter not owned in their own name with a valid foreign license will not be prosecuted or fined as there is no law in Taiwan of that nature. Something to do with who ownes it?
I don’t believe it but hoping it’s correct.

Doesn’t matter who owns it if you are driving it with permission and you have their paperwork. But if course you either need a Taiwanese license or a stamped at the Taiwanese DMV international permit.

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