I have been to many baking stores, grocery stores, even costco looking for flour. All I can find is High Gluten / Low Gluten etc. Most of the packaging labels are in chinese so its hard to figure out sometimes. My wife has zero experience with flour so she doesnt really know what I’m looking for.
there is also mid-gluten, which is equivelant to all-purpose. been using “ri-zheng” Sunlight brand mid-gluten for pasta lately, got at costco, working well. high gluten is for bread, low gluten for cake.
Yeah, you want medium gluten, also labeled (in English, often) as all-purpose flour. The Chinese will have a big 中 at the beginning of the four large characters, whereas the high-gluten has 高 and the low has 低. If you learn to recognize those, it’s helpful. (Complete labels for high, med. and low are
I am clueless when you start talking about gluten and stuff like that. Which of the common flours found in Taiwan is equal to what I am looking for?[/quote]
Go to City Super on the B3 (B2?) floor in the new SOGO on Chung/hsiao-Fu/hsing. I bought that exact flour there a week or so ago.