Goochie-Goochie Poke Poke - Its Back!

Legalized Prostitution is Now Officially Recognized and Sanctioned…Let the games resume!

[quote]Government to permit sex trade within red-light districts
The Ministry of Interior (MOI) has decided in principle not to decriminalize the sex trade but will work out new rules to exempt both parties from punishment if they are found to have engaged in the sex industry within designated red-light districts.

At a coordination meeting among officials from the MOI and other government agencies last Friday, they decided not to decriminalize the sex trade as originally planned.

But under the latest consensus, sex workers who have registered in accordance with the regulations to provide services at red-light districts designated by local-level governments will be exempt from penalties.

The prostitutes will still be subject to criminal punishments, including having their business licenses revoked, if they continue offering sexual services after being diagnosed with sexually-transmitted diseases or as carriers of the HIV virus.

For prostitution-related transactions outside the red-light districts, both the sex workers and their customers will be fined up to NT$30,000.

To ensure fairness, the rules in the Social Order Maintenance Act will be revised so that neither the sex workers nor the customers have to be detained following three violations of the rules in the same year.

According to the existing regulations, only prostitutes, not their clients, are placed in custody. MOI officials said the “detention” rule will be scrapped. The sex workers will not be detained considering their disadvantaged economic standing.

But the persons who buy prostitution services outside the designated areas will face more severe financial penalties in the future, including paying the prostitution fee, the room charge, and a monetary fine of up to NT$30,000 when caught by law enforcement agents.

In addition, the current fines of up to NT$30,000 and detention for up to three days for pimps and others who work in the illegal sex trade will be maintained. Imposing such penalties is still a common practice in most nations, the officials explained.

MOI officials said the final draft of the proposed revisions of the nation’s Social Order Maintenance Act will be forwarded to the Legislative Yuan for review and ratification in the second half of the year.

The new rules are scheduled to take effect before the end of the year, they added.[/quote]

No price lists posted…TBA.

I can’t wait till we get offshore gambling to go with it. Let the good times roll for the mob. :thumbsup:

Just a small correction. :wink:

But, but, but . . . wasn’t one of the official redlight areas Snake Alley? Good grief, have you seen what’s on offer down there?

Still, all in all, a strangely smart thing to do. “Legalize it, don’t criticize it” . . . etc. Mind you. not knowing the current number of mob bosses in the legislature, but assuming it’s fairly unchanged since I left the ROC, it could also be seen as a very self-serving decision, but hopefully one that is beneficial to the people in the industry.


I’d agree with you Huang if this were not Taiwan, though I guess you are making the same point. The government is just not capable of implementing rational public policies in an efficient and rational manner. Let them modernise the drivers test and enforce traffic regulations and building codes and I’ll believe they can manage this without unpleasant side effects.

You’re not considering the cultural factors. Government here not capable of enforcing traffic or building regulations? Do birds fly? Not capable of overseeing a brothel operation? I think not!

:laughing: :bravo:

I just pissed myself!



Wow, Taiwan’s own Storyville!