Good restaurants near World Trade Centre?

Wondering if anyone could recommend any good Thai or Chinese restaurants within walking distance of the World Trade Centre.

Nice atmosphere, well-prepared seafood and vegetarian dishes, not incredibly expensive…

If you know of any, please post names, address and phone numbers, if possible.

Thanks very much!

Hmm, how to explain this? There is a nice Thai place nearby…

The Hyatt is next door to the World Trade Building. Walk out the front door and across the street. Go through the park opposite the Hyatt, and cross Renai Road. Walk past the bandshell (you are now opposite City Hall) and cross a small street - SongKao Rd. You will then be facing an apartment block. Just walk around to the back and there is a pretty good Thai restaurant there.

Not sure about the vegetatrian dishe but they have some vegetables and tofu dishes …