Google Maps on Forumosa


Russia, Turkey, Lithuania, Slovenia, Taiwan, Croatia, Greece, Thailand & Estonia: Now with Streets!

Saturday, May 05, 2007 at 10:40:00 PM
Posted by Pamela Fox, Maps API Team

As reported on the Google Maps Mania blog, was updated with new street tile imagery for several European and Asian countries last week. The tile update went through to the Maps API tiles shortly after, so now Maps API developers can develop mashups to take advantage of the updated tiles. If you want a quick way to look around the updated imagery, click on the country flags below and you’ll be zoomed in to that country. We look forward to seeing the mashups developers come up with for the updated countries - ping us in the forums if you want us to check out your mashup, or if you have any questions. [/quote]
I’ve added a Google Map to the forums - see the link in the upper right corner site map.

You can add your own location from the Member Center (top right corner of the forum) - go to the middle of the form and you will see a link called “Find your coordinates”. This will allow you to use a map to choose your location. Just double click on that map to select your location.

If you set your coordinates, then you should be visible in the default map on the forums. The location parameter in your posts will also become a link to your location in the Forumosa Google Map

Please post comments and questions (and answers) here.

Apparently, this does map NOT slow down the website (this has already been asked)

This is a really cool little feature! I’m surprised that more people haven’t been using it. Want to see how it works? Look to the left of this post and click on the link that says Location: Lotus Hill. Click the satellite tab, and you can practically see me hanging out my window! So far, I think I’m the only person using this feature, though… :frowning:

Actually, Goose Egg, your map has you living in the middle of a lake. Are rents in Shanghai that expensive?

I use it. It’s pretty cool, except maybe for all the stalking going on.

Very cool.

You wouldn’t believe how expensive.

Actually, where I’m staying is much bigger than my place in Taipei, and cheaper. OK, the deck tends to rock when the wind picks up (haaarrrr), but overall, we’re good.

Detaile of China are NOT on the Google map yet, so I was kind of estimating my location and meant to be just south of that lake, which I imagine is the one north of Suzhou Creek in downtown Shanghai. If that is West Lake in Hangzhou, then I’m way off my coordinates