Google Maps - Taiwan first to get cycling mode of transport

So it seems like Taiwan was first to receive the release of cycling mode of transport on Google maps. That’s pretty cool with Ubike getting so big and Mayor Ko promoting bike commuting.


Does this mean Google Maps in Taiwan will usually offer a cycling route?

First in Asia. Already started implementation. It’s not completely accurate. For example, no bikes allowed inside Daan Park but this shows bike paths.

It seems like it will, if the riverside path is the fastest way to your destination.

A key feature is the estimated time, distance and total elevation gain. Which is very helpful for visitors that are touring that do not want to climb.

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I also think that the estimated time Google gives you is a bit slower than what you would expect to arrive at your destination. On average, the above climb takes most people 25 minutes to complete, but Google shows 31 mins.

seems to send me longest way possible, I’ve given up on it.