Anyone got any thoughts on the change of P.M. in the U.K.? Now that Blair has bowed out of British politics, how do you think Gordon Broon will measure up as Blair’s successor?
Anyone got any thoughts on the change of P.M. in the U.K.? Now that Blair has bowed out of British politics, how do you think Gordon Broon will measure up as Blair’s successor?
Gordon Brown, texture like sun?
i read this piece on the BBC website yesterday,
i was puzzled as to why there HAD to be a change and this piece explained it fairly well,
i think that even many brits don’t even know why.
it’s still a sham,blair wasn’t hugely popular but peoples voted for him,not for broon
Never a frown with Gordon Brown.
Blair’s time was clearly up. At the moment, the Brits seem to be moderately willing to give Brown a chance if only for the fact that Cameron is a relative lightweight and Menzies Campbell is a shrivelled old fart in charge of a fractured LibDem party.
Saw on the news yesterday that if there were an election today, Labour would win. Brown outscores Cameron 4 to 1 in the public’s opinion of which of the two is the more appropriate leader for Britain at the moment.
I think he’ll do OK. U.K. politics will be a lot more boring though.
Never a frown with Gordon Brown.
I foresee a slight re-wording of a Strangler’s tune being played at the next Party conference.
I have quite high hopes of his premiership. He should be able to deliver more of substance and less of the sound-byte saccharin than Tony Blair.
The man is coruscatingly clever - a child prodigy, admitted to Edinburgh University at 16 years old, first-class honours degree, etc., etc.
We haven’t had such an intellectual heavyweight at the helm of British politics since … Margaret Thatcher!
It should be most amusing to see how he interacts with that sludge-for-brains thicko Bush.
And in the words of former PM Thatcher "Acid party." “The base goes on.” Come on, sing along!
Congratulations then. If I recall right one curse in Chinese runs like: “I wish you to live in interesting times.”
How interesting (not) that you have the time…
Nope. Not true.
That’s just about what I was going to post. I don’t think he will have much to do with Bush though as he is (luckily) going to be history in the not too distant future…
Edit: Good title, I think that’s almost exactly how he pronounces it.
I hope not, but I think that Gordon Brown will be a great dissapointment. Whist very smart and very well educated, I think he’s got some serious management issues that will in the end crimp what otherwise would have been a great term.
What made Tony great was that he could always get people back to the table after a disagreement. I don’t see the same from Gordon.
PM Brown faces a lot of domestic problems that could well occupy him to the great reduction of international affairs.
Hopefully he will be more like Thatcher than Blair.
And Blair seems to have jumped from the frying pan into the fire with his new job.
I think he will tap dance live on telly wearing a tiara.
[quote=“BroonAle”]I foresee a slight re-wording of a Strangler’s tune being played at the next Party conference.
BroonAged[/quote]Not “Jilted John” then ?
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]PM Brown faces a lot of domestic problems that could well occupy him to the great reduction of international affairs.
Hopefully he will be more like Thatcher than Blair.[/quote]
Do you know much about Gordon Brown? I think you will be disappointed.
It’s just a minor niggle but why do Americans have to refer to the Prime Minister as Prime Minister Brown. I guess it’s annoying because it’s not the term we use to talk about the Prime Minister in the third person, and we speak the same language as the Americans, so it ought to be pretty easy to be aware of the way the locals refer to him. This goes more for officials than anything else - I can understand ordinary people not giving a shit about foreign protocol or convention but when the President or Secretary of State can’t get it right, it’s irritating.
I know Americans use “Secretary Rice” like a name (as we would Sir Joe Bloggs or Lord Smith). But we don’t say “Foreign Secretary Milliband” although we might say Foreign Secretary in the 2nd person or the Foreign Secretary in the 3rd person.
It sounds ignorant because it’s imposing an your form of address (President Bush) onto another system. Rather like going round talking about London, England just because in America you say city followed by state because of the federal nature of your country and the fact there are lots of places with the same old world names. But it would sound a bit odd and possibly irritate if I referred to New York, America.
Hell, we’re probably just as ignorant of things like this in America - I’m just expressing my feelings, not a particularly rational argument. Bit of a rant and a digression. Sorry.
Fair point, fruitloop, now if you would all please follow convention and refer to the Oz PM as “that c*nt Howard”, well I for one will be happy.
Is that an honorific in Oz? One step below ckufing cnut?
Good point. It’s a tricky juggling act, you see Johnny just is a cnt, he can’t ever be the loftier fucking cnt.
Perhaps the masters at TISM can help.
[quote]Tism - I Might Be A Cunt, But I’m Not A Fucking Cunt
I might have called my kid Jarrod, but I never called him Wayne
I might’ve gone to the casino, but I’ll never go again
I might’ve screwed your sister, but I’ll never screw your mum
I might do cocaine, but heroin’s just dumb
I might barrack for Port Power, but never for the Crows
I might watch A Current Affair, but Frontline also.
I might be a rock star, but I’ll never be a critic
I might like porno’s, but Baywatch is fucking sick
I might burn some hippie oils, but I didn’t go to Comfest
I might be a smartarse D.J., but at least I’m not on at breakfast
I might like Tarantino, but sometime’s you’ve got to wonder
I mightn’t tell the truth all the time - hey, what’s your Mum’s number?
I might be a cunt, but I’m not a fuckingcunt.
I might try to rip off Prodigy, but at least I don’t look like Keith;
I might sell some cocaine, but at least I’m with the police
I might hide my small penis, but at least not by owning a gun;
I might not be homosexual, but I’ve slept with a guy who’s one.
We wrote that footy theme song, and - there ain’t no good excuse:
We might be shoddy as the Spice Girls, but at least we admit the truth.
I might agree with Jesus, but I got no religious belief;
At least I clean the drops up when I piss on the toilet seat.[/quote]