Gotta love Lays!

Tomato Cheese Fondue chips!!



Along the “snack” item topic -
Has anyone else noticed the great artwork on the bags of the new 7-11 brand snack products?

Very cool artwork and printing. Not glossy bags. Helps with the image.

Artery cloggin, diabetes inducing and HIP BABY! HIP! :rainbow:


I want my ‘Paprika Chips’!

7-11’s Halloween Branded Mexican Chilly Lays has got me saying Ahhhhhhhhhhh! :notworthy:
Here’s hoping it’ll last till after Halloween 2006!

Great, just great…these savory chips are another reason I’m not going to lose weight on my “diet”. Thanks for pointing out the good ones…salty and hot…now I need to go out and try them! :wink: