Grade Trump’s Presidency in Total and Only on Policy

Trump’s presidency is officially over. Most people are at least somewhat grateful to see his time in office end, even those who don’t like Biden, held their nose and voted for Trump, held their nose and voted for Biden, or generally fear government led by the Left. While time may change our views, it seems a good time to judge his presidency both from a holistic view and from a more narrow view focused solely on his policies.

How do you grade Trump’s Presidency?
  • A+
  • A
  • A-
  • B+
  • B
  • B-
  • C+
  • C
  • C-
  • D+
  • D
  • D-
  • F

0 voters

Based only on Policy, How do you Grade Trump’s Presidency?
  • A+
  • A
  • A-
  • B+
  • B
  • B-
  • C+
  • C
  • C-
  • D+
  • D
  • D-
  • F

0 voters

You would have to break down policies in greater detail for this survey to have any real merit. Foreign, Domestic, Economic, Social, etc.

That’s a lot of polls. Feel free to add a grade and then break it down by sections of policy about which you care.

not if everyone gives Ds


How come I can only see who voted on the first question and not the second question?

Do you intend to show who and how voted or not?

i kinda thought it was the best of both worlds

I clicked wrong one, can I start again :sweat_smile:

you see?

I must say I struggled with the poll creation tools. By the time you asked the question it was too late for me to edit it. I am actually more interested in the second question, so I wish that one wasn’t the one I messed up on.

Trump didn’t start a war with Syria like Clinton definitely would have, and all indications suggest Biden will, therefore allowing Putin and Assad to take care of ISIS. Imagine 2020 but with Jihadi terrorists running around and escalating tensions with Russia hanging over everything. Trump deserves a lot of credit for that and I’m disappointed to see so many intelligent left-wing people, who should know better, gushing over Biden and Harris’s return to neoconservative normality.

That said, I still gave him a D because nearly everything else he did was unbelievably bad. Would have been a lot lower than a D if not for Syria.

Sorry but Trump is just incompetent, and while I understand why people voted for him, I just don’t think America’s problem is anything one president can fix.

Right now CNN is having honeymoon phase with Biden but it’s not like America is going to suddenly end all of its self imposed problems immediately.

Such as any solutions for dreamers.


If going to give low grade I give one example why I rated him so low. First week in office he said U.S. would pull out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement because “was worst trade agreement ever designed.” Basically key reason he pulled out was because signed by Obama. I never heard him or his administration make any really strong arguments against the agreement…just general stuff. This agreement was pulled together with U.S. allies to basically limit China’s trade impact and gain some leverage on China. Alot of countries went out on a limb to sign this agreement at risk of angering China. Result? 80% of the signees said screw the U.S. and then in November 2020 signed the RCEP. The following countries joined: China, India, S. Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia…along with previous TPP signee countries of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. A big, big win for China.

And while Trump continued his tariff battle with China and at same time badmouthing the E.U. the door was open for China to complete the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). Oh yes, now suddenly bathmouthing the EU for signing this deal and not holding China accountable for human right abuses. What? That is the best response the Trump administration can come up with? What a joke. The GOP used to laugh and laugh at the liberals complaining about human rights issues in China. They belittled the Europeans who talked about human rights abuses. Now that is the best response the U.S. can muster regarding huge investment pact between our previously strong ally and the enemy China. I have to like one EU trade representatives response which was basically…the U.S. has stopped discussing trade issues with us and seems not interested in joining with us to face international trade issues…so we must move ahead without them. The end result of Trump’s administration is the November trade deficit was worst in 14 years and China has succeeded in basically isolating the U.S. in some trade areas (Trump’s goal was to isolate China in trade but the result is China is isolating the U.S.)
And I must include all the mess with NAFTA…now called USMCA. All that effort to badmouth Obama calling the deal again “the worst deal ever.” I have not seen any industry organization claim they are happier now with USMCA. Perhaps some are but overall seems the changes are not big enough to bring meet the claim that “millions of jobs back will return to the U.S.” Seems the result was more confusion for 3 years without much results.
As for other policies Trump hated because Obama signed them…there are some policies which Trump cancelled and then had to reinstate because companies complained. Trump just wanted to cancel as much of what Obama did without much research into the end result.


In some alternate universe where any one of these categories is somehow anything other than “F” I would agree with you.


That’s on the EU and EU only. The EU chose to move closer to China. You can keep blaming Trump for that, the truth is eurotrash are the ultimate hypocrites.

Yes, the EU chose to move closer to China…and not just the EU. How to depend on the U.S.? Cancelling agreements, mocking other countries. The U.S. loves to laugh at and mock the Europeans…all those damn socialists. And gotta love your attitude…“Eurotrash” really?


In @Gain 's defense it’s pretty clear he considers everyone trash equally.

Why depend on the US? I thought you wanted to be on your own.

Actually since Europeans hate the US so much, why are you still hosting American military bases? Shouldn’t you have kicked them out like decades ago? Oh wait, I forgot, Trump tried to and Germany was not happy about it.

Lol. Europeans mock Americans more. Europeans look down on everyone else, including other European countries.

Well Europe certainly is China’s bitch.


I believe this argument starts from the assumption that any cooperation with China whatsoever on anything is to be avoided. This is neither feasible nor realistic from a business or political perspective. EU chose to make wiser decisions in how to engage China. Especially on environment.

The U.S. failure to diplomatically engage on a meaningful level is not a cause to bash Europeans.

I had to give him an F, not for the purpose of giving him the last one, only because the once describing his presidency are missing below F.
It was the most disturbing shit I have witnessed, inside the circles of countries, I thought would always be a save heaven from dictatorship during my lifetime.

It was disgusting and ugly from the beginning

to the very end.

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