Great One Liner Song Lyrics

The sun’s not yellow, it’s CHICKEN!
Bob Dylan


And my son loves singing Scarlet Begonias and cracks up when this is sung:

The sky was yellow, and the sun was blue. :rainbow:

“Don’t it make my brown eye blue” Crystal Gayle

“F%ck you, I won’t do what you tell me.”


She Bangs.

Sticky Martin

“I…like…big…butts and I cannot lie…”
Sir Mix-A-Lot

I might be a cunt but I’m not a fucking cunt. - TISM

And here’s another great TISM one-line lyric, but it takes place over 4.

The rich kid becomes a junkie,
The poor kid an advertiser,
What a tragic waste of potential,
Being a junkie’s not so good either,

I want you to want me.

“Don’t ask me nothin’ about nothin’. I just might tell you the truth.”

Another Dylan gem, this one always floats around my mind during our weekly teachers meetings.

Dylan is just quotable all day long. From Jokerman “No one here would marry your sister.”
From ‘It takes a train to cry,’ “Now you stand here expecting me to remember something you forgot to say.” From ‘Lucky Old sun’ “That lucky old sun, got nuthin to say, it just rolls round heaven all day.” Every Grain of Sand is one long genius quote.

But then again, I am prejudiced.

“You need a busload of faith to get by”

“There’s a girl my lord, in a flat bed Ford, slowin’ down to take a look at me”

“I know you’ve been seeing your boyfriend the actor, sometimes I want to run over him with a great big tractor” G.W. McLennan

‘Too drunk to fuck’ DKs.

Does ‘One more cup of coffee before I go… to the valley below’ count? If I were ever lame enough to get a tatoo (see above lyric), I want that tatooed on my arm instead of my brain.

“Why don’t we get drunk and screw…”

“She said, ‘You’ve been pushing me like a sore tooth. You can’t respect me because I’ve done so much for you.’ He said, ‘Well, I hate that it’s come to this, but baby, I was doing fine. How do you think that I survived the other 25 before you?’” - Ben Folds Five “The Last Polka”

“When I am king, you will be first against the wall.” “Paranoid Android” by Radiohead

“She’s the kind that heats you up and cools you down.” “Rosemary” by Gomez

“He stopped loving her today.
They placed the wreath upon his door.”
George Jones.

[quote]Now it’s hardly simple
It’s just simply hard,[/quote]

Alicia Keys- So Simple

“And when you turned to walk away,
and as the door behind you closes, the only thing I know to say, Its been a good year for the roses.”
George Jones

Always liked this line sung by Bob Seeger in “Against the wind.” Wished I had coined it.

Still running against the wind…