FINALLY, an Android app that connects directly to Google Talk for free VoIP calling to/from the US: GrooVe IP.
My original cell phone VoIP calling solution was Google Voice - Sipgate - SipSorcery - cSipSimple or Sipdroid (on iPhone, i used iSip), all free. It was a pretty good solution with clear sound quality over wireless (couldn’t get inbound audio over 3G), but depended on too many services. If the SipSorcery server was down or having problems, calls were obviously interrupted.
Just before I dumped my iPhone, I found an app called Talkatone that connected directly to Google Talk, which can be used as the Google Voice callback, eliminating 2 intermediary services. WOO! Amazing sound quality and reliability. There is no Talkatone app yet for Android (perpetually coming soon…). A couple days ago, however, an app called GrooVe IP was launched. I gave it a shot and so far I’m really impressed. The sound quality over wireless is crystal clear, but 3G is still sketchy. Maybe there is no good 3G VoIP option out there yet. The UI could use some polish, but setup was a piece of cake and overall it’s easy to use. Since it’s launch, the developer has been aggressively responding to issues with frequent app updates. The cost is only about US$3.