Gym payment issue

Or read it before calling and letting them tell him their rules. Or read it before signing.

If that’s the case he’s got a case, but a business that’s stayed in business for awhile tends to have its shit together when making contracts. If it’s a small or newer gym, maybe he got lucky and they didn’t include the details about interest charges. Otherwise, if the charges conform to the law, what other recourse does he have other than to wait and see if he needs to hire a lawyer to fight an even larger claim?

I still think the best way to solve it is by going to the person in charge and having a polite conversation. If it’s a smaller gym they’d probably be happy to waive at least some of the fees keep him as a customer.

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Sadly, this is why people who have lived here for a while are so suspicious about signing into contracts. It’s a shame for the majority of legitimate Taiwanese business owners.

Besides the evil gyms, what other service makes you sign a year long contract? ISPs and mobile providers, that’s all I can think of. I can understand a company that needs to make long terms plans and invest in infrastructure needs a solid customer base, but their demands for keeping customers are too much. If it wasn’t for lazy customers who won’t look for less shiny alternatives, the predatory service contracts would never last.

I don’t have a problem with a year long contract. If it’s a good service I’m happy to pay a fair price to keep the guy in business.

When there’s a 4+ page contract, however…

I think if they need to do that to stay in business, they should charge the entire amount up front, like webhosts and other internet services do, and even then it’s optional. And if the customer wants out, give a pro-rated refund, and if they don’t use it, it’s their problem.

Rental space. That’s an obvious one with long term contracts.

I only ever agree to pay the entire amount upfront with gyms. At the moment I am finding that several gyms are refusing to agree to this. I’m also very generous. I offer to pay 3 years upfront in cash.

Well, I’m certainly not going to get in a punch up with you, you sound serious. I can understand them not wanting to take that amount if they don’t have a system in place. Holding people’s money is more serious than taking it each month. It has to be in held in case the company can’t provide the service or needs to give a refund.

We’re talking 30k for 3 years membership. It’s not a massive risk on my part.

Great gym in Taipei who will take cash is 三百壯士 in Ximen.

There are loads of gyms like Soulfit now where you can pay by the hour.