Half-Assed, A Salute to Taiwanese Tradesmen and Contractors

I don’t think they’d pay for it because as far as I can see they don’t realize anything’s wrong. I’ve seen the homes of quite wealthy people, and the wallpapering and painting were atrocious - a child could do better; but they saw nothing wrong with it.
Taiwan has not been a developed country very long. I have friends in their 30s who didn’t have electricity at home when they were kids. The majority have never seen properly wall-papered walls, a good paint job, well-done construction, so they can’t demand it when they get work done.

My favorite was having to explain to the gas man that he should not smoke while fixing the gas lines in my kitchen.

Well if he managed to bring those unstrapped 50 liter LPG tanks through heavy traffic over to your place on a clapped out Sanyang motorcycle, do you really think that smoking around gas fittings is an occupational hazard in his world? Remember: the old gas cylinder delivery guys would rather die than not look cool in front of their buddies. :laughing:

The scariest part of it to me is the thought that they must have been even more fucked up prior to the 50 years of Japanese influence. And China is set to be the next reigning superpower?

Stupidity and “face” constitute one of the most deadly and stagnant combinations on the planet.

Understanding ‘face’ is even more deadly.

Well if he managed to bring those unstrapped 50 liter LPG tanks through heavy traffic over to your place on a clapped out Sanyang motorcycle, do you really think that smoking around gas fittings is an occupational hazard in his world? Remember: the old gas cylinder delivery guys would rather die than not look cool in front of their buddies. :laughing:[/quote]

He probably ran a couple red lights on his Sanyang on the way too!
I’ve seen Taxi drivers hailing for these guys… and that says a lot!