Handling student assignments possibly written with artificial intelligence / AI

My worry is always the same. When we are old, they will be our doctors :pensive:

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Don’t worry, the AI will be your doctor.


Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isnt practical to let every failure pass and get gold stars.

I bet quality of education and future economy would be better if it were more personal and actually allowed people to get shit canned for not being up to snuff. Maybe hard most places, but ultra expensive countries like the US could certainly justify this cost at the university level. Countries like taiwan could too if they came to terms with the fact having a meaningless paper for 90% of the adults isnt always better than having a useful paper for 10% :innocent:

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I am willing to bet good money we are the exact generation where people will be too dumb and entitled whilst governments haven’t figured out social safety nets whilst automation is still in experimental phase. As such, everyone between 20 and 60 should invest in a large ball of opium and a gun with extra ammo.

everyone between 20 and 60 should invest in a large ball of opium and a gun with extra ammo

No! It is illegal to possess a large ball of opium, and a gun with extra ammo can be dangerous and is not a recommended investment.

This AI is like a little baby or something.

Good points. Get 2 of each and hide in different locations. AI is onto you.

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I think it already is…


If you have recovered from the flu but are still experiencing a lingering cough, there are a few steps you can take to help treat it.

First, it’s important to make sure you are staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This can help loosen congestion and make it easier to cough up any mucus that may be causing your cough.

You can also try using over-the-counter cough medicine to help suppress your cough. Look for medicines that contain ingredients such as dextromethorphan or guaifenesin, which can help reduce coughing.

In addition, using a humidifier in your home can also help alleviate a lingering cough. The moisture in the air from the humidifier can help keep your throat and airways hydrated, which can help reduce coughing.

Finally, try to avoid irritants that can trigger coughing, such as smoke or strong smells. If your cough is severe or is not improving, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor for further advice and treatment.


Certainly sometimes. Everytime I am at the doctor they are typing stuff into spreadsheets rather than actually checking. I have many injuries due to doctors negligence or lack of intelligence so it was missed and caused issues. Problematic. The idiocracy reference isnt wrong.

But it is cheap…so, yay?

Maybe some AI programs to keep children failing like an impossibly hard video game, to counter this trend of non excellence :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone asked ChatGPT to write a baseball simulator in python. Not only did it write correct python code, comments on every line, it also knew 3 strikes are out, there are 3 bases, and there are pitcher and batters. It even provided unit test code, and multi-game simulation.

ChatGPT drafting a proposal for a bill to make UBI a federal policy:

Title: Universal Basic Income Act of 2022

Synopsis: The Universal Basic Income Act of 2022 proposes to establish a federal program that provides a regular, unconditional cash payment to all citizens of the United States. This payment, referred to as a Universal Basic Income (UBI), would provide individuals with a stable financial foundation and the freedom to pursue their own personal and professional goals.

Benefits of UBI:

  1. UBI would provide a safety net for individuals and families facing economic insecurity, such as job loss or unexpected expenses. This would help reduce poverty and inequality, and ensure that all individuals have access to the basic necessities of life.

  2. UBI would give individuals the freedom and flexibility to make choices about their own lives and careers. For example, individuals could choose to pursue education or training, start a business, or take time off to care for themselves or their families.

  3. UBI would stimulate economic growth and innovation by providing individuals with the financial resources to invest in themselves and their communities. This could lead to the creation of new businesses, jobs, and opportunities.

  4. UBI would reduce the administrative burden and cost of existing government assistance programs by replacing them with a simple, universal payment. This would simplify the government’s role in providing support to individuals and families, and reduce the potential for waste, fraud, and abuse.

There are several concerns and misconceptions about Universal Basic Income (UBI) that are worth addressing.

One common concern is that UBI would discourage individuals from working and would lead to a decrease in productivity and economic growth. However, research has shown that UBI can actually encourage work and entrepreneurship by providing individuals with the financial stability and flexibility to pursue their own goals and interests.

Another concern is that UBI would be too expensive and would place a burden on the government and taxpayers. While it is true that implementing UBI would require a significant investment, it has the potential to save money in the long run by reducing the administrative costs and complexity of existing government assistance programs. In addition, UBI could stimulate economic growth and generate additional revenue through increased spending and investment.

A common misconception is that UBI would only benefit those who are unemployed or unable to work. However, UBI is intended to be a universal program that provides a regular cash payment to all citizens, regardless of their employment status or income. This means that everyone, including those who are employed and have a stable income, would receive the UBI payment.

Overall, while there are valid concerns about UBI, it has the potential to provide significant benefits to individuals, families, and society as a whole. By providing a stable financial foundation and the freedom to pursue one’s own goals, UBI has the potential to reduce poverty and inequality, stimulate economic growth and innovation, and simplify the government’s role in providing support to individuals and families.

Conclusion: The Universal Basic Income Act of 2022 proposes to establish a federal program that provides a regular, unconditional cash payment to all citizens of the United States. This program would provide individuals with a stable financial foundation and the freedom to pursue their own personal and professional goals, and would benefit the economy and society as a whole.


Might be more fun to give such programs problems to solve rather than just putting together other easily available info.

I wonder how they do with things like:

How to solve racism.

How to provide a safety net for humans after AI takes their jobs

etc :slight_smile: it would be fun to challenge them with real world questions. See if their answers align with common sense we already know but will never implement :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

How to handle student assignments possibly written by AI


Thanks for posting this. I never considered it. I teach in a relatively rural place and most of my writing assignments are done in-class, but I see how this could be a problem.

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I gave chatGPT one reasoning question and it gave me either wrong caalculations or three different answers on three tries. I think maths or logical reasoning is where it cant really work.

There’s a good chance there will be no logical flow in the output, as the model is just regurgitating a hodge podge of stuff that humans originally wrote, a kind of ‘fake it til you make it’ type answer. Should be easy to spot. However there are some caveats. There could be the appearance of a logical flow, a kind of fluke. And then the question you asked could be wholly indexed in the training set, in that case you get a human answer, rather than some muddled up AI guesswork.

Having taught a bit of academic writing to English language learners in undergraduate courses, I think the correct use of grammar and vocabulary will be a bigger red flag :grinning:

I might have to teach writing again soon. I’m leaning towards paragraph writing in class for marks (weekly) and no term papers or exams.


I always thought the point of an essay was to argue a position, with all the correct grammar and punctuation of course.

Ultimately we might need to fight this technology problem with more technology. There could be a startup idea in here somewhere…


A big problem is that’s traditionally counted as a pretty good essay in my courses! My expectations are not high. A fluent sentence used to be obvious evidence of plagiarism, but the AI stuff breaks that.

It looks like a lack of specific details is one tell: which is good, because I focus on that a lot. Another tell is apparently quotes and citations that don’t actually include the quoted material. Which is bad; that’ll add a lot of time to the marking.

My colleague has an academic writing class this semester with sixty students.