Hapa NWOHR passport holder inquiring about citizenship

Hi everyone. I’m an American who’s mother is Taiwanese. I got my Taiwanese passport (NWOHR) a few years ago but would like to get full citizenship. I’ve read some other peoples posts about the process and it seems to vary when it comes to requirements for TARC based on whether both your parents are Taiwanese. Basically my question is, if I have all the stuff I needed to get the NWOHR passport, is that enough to satisfy getting TARC after my stay (other than the health/background checks)? My process is a bit more difficult because my mother is dead, but my Taiwanese family was able to provide me with her household registration documents in getting the passport. I’m trying to think if there’s anything extra I would need that I might not be able to get with her being dead. Thanks! Also I can’t speak any Chinese at the moment and pretty much rely on my family to do any speaking to government peoples for me.

One other question! After getting your new citizen passport, what happens after it expires? Would you need to prove anything again? For example what if you got the passport and then left taiwan for several years? Can you lose your household registration and renew your passport in the future?

And another question. At what point do you qualify for National Insurance? I’m wondering if I need to purchase travel insurance during my stay.

i’m guessing you were born after feb 1980 right? in that case yeah you can get a TARC, which will then mean you can get household registration once you fulfill the living conditions. the fact that your mom is dead won’t prevent you from getting it, but having her relatives assisting you will be really helpful. all the documents you got and translated and notorized via TECO will be used along with health check (done in taiwan) and your fbi background check.

after you get your household registration, you will have it for rest of your life (unless you yourself renounce it). you can qualify for national insurance after 6 months with a TARC, or if you get a job, you can get it immediately through your job.

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Thanks for the info. Glad to hear I should still qualify without my mom around. I didn’t need to get anything translated when i applied for my passport. But the lady at TECO said I will when i apply for TARC, however, she said i can get it translated in Taiwan.

When i have national insurance if i leave taiwan for a year after getting my citizenship and then come back? Or do i need to live in taiwan for a period of time?

NWOHTs still need reasons to get TARCs, though the reasons are broader than approved reasons that foreigners can get ARCs.

The following is in Chinese, so for your family in Taiwan.


Or, Articles 9 and 16 of Immigration Act. This is in English.

Yes, you need to live in Taiwan.

If you are employed, you can enroll through the company without a 6 month waiting time.

What do you mean “still need reasons to get TARC”?

I think this is a difference on the process getting a NWOHR passport. Once you get the passport you can get a TARC with a proper reason. The requirement of the documents depends on the reason you apply for the TARC.

What sort of reasons can I use? I looked at the link you posted and I don’t think I meet any of that.