Happy Hour Possibilities

Hey, we could do activities to raise money for helping sick, abandoned animals! We could combine rummage sale, bake sale and street performance! Wives get to sell things they don’t think their husbands need or shouldn’t have, I’ll make fudge brownies and cookies, and Mordeth can ride around upside down on a pocket scooter or something fun like that, with a hat out for coins. :smiley: Bring your coolers, frisbees, dogs and lawnchairs, and make a party out of it![/quote]
That is a fantasmic idea. That would definitely be something AnimalsTaiwan would be interested in participating. Let me rephrase that. If AnimalsTaiwan were to organize such a fundraiser, would Forumosans participate? If we could combine a Happy Hour with an AnimalsTaiwan fundraiser…hmmm

Are we onto something here? :ponder: :saywhat: :whistle:

Why do we need to combine the Happy Hours with other events? There are 30+ days a month, which is plenty of time for Happy Hours and other Forumosa events. So, why change the Happy Hour format? I see no reason not to keep the current format, but at least be flexible with location and day. Additional Forumosa event are EXTRAs, i.e. in addition to what’s already become a monthly event. Is this not why we have an Events section?
I think the ideas posted here are extremely good and I would like very much to participate in some of these if they were to happen. But please, lets not lose sight of what the Happy Hour really means. Don’t kill the Happy Hour!

Truant and has already made steps to do Toayuan HH, and someone else has done something similar somewhere down south (sorry, couldn’t be bothered looking up the thread). So, we can see that the idea is spreading.

Its a GOOD format, it works, it gets people together, and for some of us it’s something we can look forward to.

It’s a bad format because it’s toxic smoke city. So I was trying to come up with ways to get it out of the bars, since it’s the only regular happening event. If we can move it to places that don’t exclude non-smokers, then I’m game.

It’s a bad format because it’s toxic smoke city. So I was trying to come up with ways to get it out of the bars, since it’s the only regular happening event. If we can move it to places that don’t exclude non-smokers, then I’m game.[/quote]
I can understand your point, but thats not the point I was trying to make. As a smoker, I don’t care if I have to go ‘outside’ to smoke. I’ve been to too many places where I’ve done just that. When I talk about ‘format’ I do not automatically include ‘smoking’ (although I do like to smoke). For me, the Happy Hours are a convenient time to meet other Forumosans and drink copious amounts of beer :beer:

I wish more smokers were as considerate as you, willing to meet in a smoke-free beer joint, but step outside for the occasional smoke. And I didn’t mean to try and take your beer away from you! I’ll be glad to have a beer with you sometime!

On this point, aren’t there any damn smoke-free bars in town? Seems to me like there’d be room for at least ONE such joint in a town the size of Taipei.

Off topic, but are you an EX-smoker?

No. Smoke just really makes me feel sick, queasy, burns my eyes and sinuses, and on the way home and in the morning I have a headache from nicotine poisoning. Plus it smells really bad. I don’t want to infringe on anyone’s right to smoke, but generally the infringement occurs in the other direction, my right to breathe clean air.

No. Smoke just really makes me feel sick, queasy, burns my eyes and sinuses, and on the way home and in the morning I have a headache from nicotine poisoning. Plus it smells really bad. I don’t want to infringe on anyone’s right to smoke, but generally the infringement occurs in the other direction, my right to breathe clean air.[/quote]
Yeah, I hate smokers too.

I don’t “hate smokers”. I hate the unthinking and/or selfish imposition by most (but not all) smokers of their toxins upon the rest of us. I have met several considerate smokers in the past 41 years. Out of several hundreds of thousands.

I don’t “hate smokers”. I hate the unthinking and/or selfish imposition by most (but not all) smokers of their toxins upon the rest of us. I have met several considerate smokers in the past 41 years. Out of several hundreds of thousands.[/quote]
Yeah, I hate inconsiderate people.

For those who mean that we are to change the HH concept… Disagree. It’s a hugely succesful concept, so why stop it?

It should be kept more or less as it is.

Where I see some scope is a moderate adaptation, such as non-smoking areas, adding an extra bit of fund raising to the events, perhaps get sponsors in and the like.

If we need a forumosa family event, or a forumosa whatever event, we just add it on as something extra. (Case in point is the camping trip).

[quote=“Mr He”]Disagree. It’s a hugely succesful concept, so why stop it?
It should be kept more or less as it is. Where I see some scope is a moderate adaptation, such as non-smoking areas, adding an extra bit of fund raising to the events, perhaps get sponsors in and the like.[/quote]

Hugely successful as judged by the non-smokers who never go, or by the smokers who go every month?

Non-smoking areas, which are separated by a glass barrier from the smoking areas? Or which are separated by an imaginary barrier, so that we end up sitting 2 meters away from smokers as if that were some kind of separation? :loco:

Lest I sound too harsh, your suggestion of moderate adaptation for the benefit of those who don’t wish to die young of a horrible lung cancer death is welcome. Thank you.


Non-smoking areas, which are separated by a glass barrier from the smoking areas? Or which are separated by an imaginary barrier, so that we end up sitting 2 meters away from smokers as if that were some kind of separation? :loco: [/quote]

OK, here’s my suggestion:

You find a suitable non-smoking venue and suggest it to the powers that be for a happy hour.

Or, even better, you find a venue, call it Unofficial Forumosa non-smoking happy hours, and then you post it in the events forum along with all the neccesary details.

Ask for a bit of commitment, suss out how many people will come, and you are on the go.

Therefore, instead of you complaining about the smoking at the HH, you just make your own.

If people want to smoke I think they should feel free to light themselves on fire.

I only smoke at Happy Hours. :astonished:

Hey, we could do activities to raise money for helping sick, abandoned animals![/quote]

How about taking that money and not give it to animals and give it to more important things, like HUMANS. Help the homeless, that kind of thing. {editted for a friend}

Ok back on topic…Happy Hour is happy hour, the words mean drink alcohol at a bar. No need to change it at all. With summer coming up that leave more days for other events, such as a picnic as suggested. I went to one about 2 weeks ago at Youth Park and enjoyed it very much! How about a Forumosa Bowling Tournament or even a Forumosa Cruise! Ok cruise is not likely but would still be cool!

A Forumosan Cruise sounds perfect. I go cruising for hot guys every weekend. As long as I get first pick I’d be happy to join a group. Count me in! :bouncy:

[quote=“Frost”]How about taking that money and not give it to stupid animals and give it to more important things, like HUMANS. Help the homeless, that kind of thing. I’d rather slaughter 1000 dogs then see a human die of starvation.

That’s probably the most regrettable post I’ve seen in a long, long, time, like, since I joined a jahr ago.

Dogs are much more worthwhile than the average human being.


I think your post is farken insensitive knowing that there are a bunch of animal lovers on the board, and infact in this thread as we speak. You can think shit like that, but saying it isn’t necessary.

Anyone heard of the Voice near The Brass Monkey? It’s a bar.

The Chocolate & Love where the good Pet folks had that widely successful fund-raiser?

I think O’Ginny’s has a banner ad here. I’m sure there’s a few places in the Restaurants’ forum that could be used as an alternate venue?

Anyone check along Anhe Road recently? Tons of bars there. Sorry but you say Happy Hour, I’m thinking bar.

Smoking… yeah it sucks. Taipei is a smoking city. Live in Taoyuan :slight_smile: