HappyBirthdayBitch.com (Ver. 2.0.3)

I’m getting a kick out of my new site and maybe you will too. Basically, I google people to write about every day (I’ve only been at it a few days.) I’ve been running into all kinds of interesting people and silly facts while searching and try to reflect some of it.

I also hope to make a way to allow people to submit their own or friends birthday information to the site.

I originally used it to make [a birthday card for a friend in the US.] Now it has taken on a new form.


The same sort of change is in store for [HappyBirthdayNigga.com] as well, but I’ll probably see how things go with this one first.

Oh, and don’t forget your towels.

but happybirthdaynigga is classic!!! you can;t change it!

Is that a booby I see before me?

Indeed, with hopes for more in the future :smiley: