
deleting post

Due to my physical features, I have been called anything available in God’s green earth.
back home, i look different than most folks.
Slanty eyes (for my extremely slanted eyes), Mister lips (facial feature), Tuktuk face (again, facial feature), Duckling (for my ugly features and the way I walk), four-eyed Potter (me wearing glasses and my looks) and various ugly characters with bad hair (coz my hair style).

Most coming from unknown strangers that happen to meet on the street.
Some even comes from my own relatives, friends, teachers.
some new nicknames/name calls occur in Taiwan as well.
Some even correlate my intelligence with my looks.
(often job interviews could go south because of this)

The last thing, that I could recall, occured when some friends watching a clip from Jay Chou called 陽光宅男, a few years ago.
A female friend, looking at the screen, when the namesake character showed on-screen and then look at me and start laughing like crazy.
Then, everyone in the room start laughing “at me” (not “with me” :D)

Growing up, I am getting used from all these shennanigans.
the easiest just to ignore them. arguing/do anything won’t help.

If you want further consultation, PM your phone/whatsapp/line whatever, I help you deal with these morons.



Are you Taiwanese and did this happen in Taiwan? People can be fairly shitty to eat other though I’ve never heard such insults said (in English) directly to a foreigner.

Physical attributes are just one part of a person . Some are blessed with good looks and some are not . There are other attributes that can sway the balance of perception . A great sense of humour and pleasant personality trumps looks . Of course , even the op is going to be mesmerized by beauty … seems we are conditioned towards that , but there are a lot more things in the human arsenal to even the odds .


I am not.
But I do look your typical Lin and Wang next door.
It happens both back home and here in Taiwan.

From child-age until very recent. (im like mid 30s btw)
In a word from a Spanish friend, “Shits happen, dude.”

i also have to say i find it quite hard to believe that there is an organised gossiping campaign against you. taiwanese will blurt out some unfiltered crap from time to time yes for sure, especially younger ones. but i’ve seen some real weirdos here and people don’t bat an eye lid. i saw a guy wearing a jacket before, no t shirt underneath, held to his body with black tape. i’ve seen a guy shaving at a bus stop. i’ve seen old men walking the streets in nothing but underwear. ive seen lots of asian albinos, no offense but not much could stand out more and i never saw any gossiping about them.


When a man has to shave a man has to shave. The guys walking the streets in underwear are usually escaped kidnap victims. The shirtless guy with a jacket and black tape is just your average Black Sabbath fan.


Yes I have told I should shave more often. Within 24 hours of not doing this, I get comments I look like a criminal (means like a pirate, blackbeard I guess). Back to the main point I get comments from people I know here, but never from anyone I do not know outside in the MRT, bus, train ect. I guess you may guess comments from classmates though, as I get it from co workers but I hope within reason accept that Taiwanese are like this.

Claiming being harassed often getting a weird look or comment as if you are the only person seeing a ghost.

I understand this coz I have had that experience before. Some people maybe not yet.

It happens, and now, it’s less about them, but about you.
Could you move on from this?
It’s your life, not theirs that matters more for you.
Nothing is perfect in this world. Nothing are completely equal.

At some point of their life, the people who harass you (could/will) be or has been harassed by someone else. That’s just the way it is.


I totally agree with this point. Another way of looking at it is through age. When I was say 15 I’d care a lot what others thought of me, then at say 25 less, after 35 not much , after 40 only those I respect or love, then after 50 , well I can’t remember. I don’t know if caring less about what others think is good, but I have definitely become way more ambivalent and I guess you will too @Beatlesfan . Doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes still look at some dude and think “what the f are you looking at” when I’m getting eye balled (or think I am) , but nothing like the frequency as when in my twenties and that seems ridiculous now. Anyway keep your spirits up @Beatlesfan and have a good evening.


@crusher Speaking Truth.


Yeah, one major reason why middle-aged helmless Amah/Akong with don’t give a fl*ck attitude wreak havoc in Taiwan street, without bothering another people safety.
Signing left to turn right, stop in the middle of the street when green lights still on.
They simply care nothing for others’ opinion.

That’s called following the law not caring less about other’s opinions. Yes I follow the law but don’t generally care much what you may think about the size of my penis for instance.