If you like the Harry Potter series, especially the darker turn that it has been taking with #3 and #4, then you’ll probably like #5, Order of the Phoenix, which is quite dark. The book (which I would have been bored with in English, but which was just at the right level for me in Spanish) was a bit long and perhaps digressed too much into some of its subplots, and the movie remedied this – but far too much so, barely hinting at or briefly summarizing whole chunks of the book in just a line or two. Harry’s ‘lessons’ with Dumbledore are barely hinted at by one face to face exchange in the denoument, and the whole subplot with Neville’s parents becomes just a line or two mentioned by Neville to Harry. A slightly deeper treatment of their plight could have strengthened the drama.
Hagrid’s great adventure with the giants is barely dealt with, but could have easily been summarized with a retelling and a few images lasting a minute or two. One is left unclear on why Hagrid’s half-brother is there, and Harry’s thang with Cho seems a bit rushed compared to the book, in which the attraction and suspense are built up for a longer period.
The movie focuses more on Dolores Umbridge, which worked very well. She’s brilliantly played, as is the new Luna Lovegood. Excellent casting there, although for some reason I was expecting a brunette. I still don’t like the new Dumbledore, after having seen Richard Harris’s portrayal. Had I never seen Harris play him, I don’t think I’d be complaining, but couldn’t they at least have had him try to retain a bit of the warmth, whimsy and sparkle in his eye from the outset (for continuity), before transitioning, if so desired, into the more serious, more powerful Gambon interpretation which was well suited for this particular book, in which DD is supposed to be distant and serious? But you’re supposed to see a change in him, and with Gambon, there’s not much of a change from his distant and serious portrayal in the previous film. I get the feeling that Gambon didn’t read book one, in particular the silly bits DD pronounces, and completely missed out on the childlike qualities which the complex DD retains inside.
This movie was only 2 hours long, and I think it would have been better at 3. But it was good, dark, and tense. Recommended for anyone who’s been following the series.
It is indeed darker than the previous four movies. I had a strange feeling in the first 20 minutes when I saw it. I felt I was seeing a Japanese horror movie. The tension development is quite similar to The Ring or The Grudge.
Hagrid’s great adventure with the giants is barely dealt with, but could have easily been summarized with a retelling and a few images lasting a minute or two. One is left unclear on why Hagrid’s half-brother is there, and Harry’s thang with Cho seems a bit rushed compared to the book, in which the attraction and suspense are built up for a longer period. [/quote]
The Order of the Phoenix is the longest story of the series. I don’t blame the writers cut out some interesting sub-plots, and I think it quite good that they have clear themes: coming of age and fighting against authorities. And Harry presents several teenager’s typical psychological characteristics and strategies of coping with stress.
The movie focuses more on Dolores Umbridge, which worked very well. She’s brilliantly played, as is the new Luna Lovegood. Excellent casting there, although for some reason I was expecting a brunette.[/quote]
Luna eclipses Ron and Hermione. Her weirdness is unique which represents another type of teenagers. Lovely new cast. Ron and Hermione are getting weak both in movies and novels. I am looking forward to Ginny’s performance in the Half-Blood Prince.
I still don’t like the new Dumbledore, after having seen Richard Harris’s portrayal. Had I never seen Harris play him, I don’t think I’d be complaining, but couldn’t they at least have had him try to retain a bit of the warmth, whimsy and sparkle in his eye from the outset (for continuity), before transitioning, if so desired, into the more serious, more powerful Gambon interpretation which was well suited for this particular book, in which DD is supposed to be distant and serious. But you’re supposed to see a change in him, and with Gambon, there’s not much of a change from his distant and serious portrayal in the previous film. I get the feeling that Gambon didn’t read book one, in particular the silly bits DD pronounces, and completely missed out on the childlike qualities which the complex DD retains inside.[/quote]
I can’t say more about it. I completely agree with you.
Watched it at the IMAX during the weekend. The 3D scenes are pretty cool, but I missed the visual cue to put on/take off the 3D glasses on the screen. For a minute I thought my eyes had gone blurry from sitting too close to the screen.
Umbridge was great. I had the urge to reach out and strangle her through parts of the film. Excellent job. But I felt that they left a tad too much out of the film, especially all the back stories and such. My guess is that for people who hadn’t read the book, they’d be feeling lost and confused on some part of the plot. I agree that they should’ve made it longer to cover more of the plot.
Hmm sounds like the movie was pretty short… I think they should have just made it a 2 parter with the first half ending where Umbridge takes control of Hogwarts and the second picks up from there. Probably would have made more money doing it that way too. Kinda like Kill Bill 1/2.
Although that may be bad because after that there is not much plot except the ending… but I think splitting it may be a good idea… maybe… split it from… derno… really no good spot to split… just make the movie longer I guess but I think they had to speed it up to start filming for the half blood prince if they are gonn keep those kids still “kidish” even though they should be like 16 now?
This is Buttercup’s sister and I just want to say that Buttercup has read the ENTIRE Harry Potter series and collects Harry Potter memorabilia, especially Ron Weasly figurines, with which she does unspeakable things. So please speak about them next time you see her.
Going to go see it tonight. I was going to see it and then pick up a copy of the last book, but I can’t wait that long. The photo shots of Umbridge’s office were enough to make me drool. They tend to do an amazing job translating the Rowling’s visuals onto the silver screen, even if they have to chop up her stories into more manageable chunks.
For the record, in case parents still haven’t caught on, the books follow the characters’ age. The first one was okay for 11 year olds (not 4-year-olds like I saw being brought into the theatres), the second book/movie for 12-year-olds, and now the story of the Order is not really appropriate for kids under 12 at minimum, but is more geared for 14- to 15-year-olds. I don’t doubt that I’ll see young children nevertheless. People are stupid that way.
Only 5 more days until the Deathly Hallows comes out!
I’m just hoping I can get my hands on the Spanish translation of book 7 before some a-hole online blurts out who dies in it, without a spoiler warning. :s
The movie should have been a two-parter if they were going to cut out so much of the story from the plot. Holy shit I spent most of the movie saying, “But they didn’t say that” and “But what about…?”. It definitely took away from me enjoying it. I’m not all that interested in seeing the next movie after how badly they butchered this one. I mean you could almost smell the meat grinder oil on this one. This was my favorite book so far and they almost completely ruined it. There were so many details that got warped, especially in giving Luna Lovegood most of the lines that were spoken by other characters in the book. She must have had a good agent.
They cut the twins pretty much from the movie. They cut a lot of Hermione from the book. They got rid of Marietta and made Cho the one without getting the boils. The list looked like it was a piece of scrap paper, not unlike what one gets when they unroll a lollipop stick. The last scenes were cut dramatically short and a whole lot of details were dropped. They cut out most of the fight scenes that were in the book. And why in the hell would the order fly right above the water of the Thames, in plain sight of a boat no less, when the wizarding world is to be as inconspicuous to Muggles as possible? Nice-looking, although the CGI on that scene looked a little like low-budget 80’s sci-fi, short of the telltale blue outlines, but illogical according to the storylines. No Howler which is very significant to the plot with the Dursleys and has been hinted at by Rowling as being significant to the 7th book. Dumbledore’s ending speech to Harry (not a spoiler as he has an ending Q and A session with Harry in almost every book after every inevitable final battle with some form of Voldemort) was missing very important lines that play a big part in the 6th book.
With everything they cut out from this movie they are going to need to start rewriting most of the 6th book’s plot from scratch to ensure the movie matches what they did with the 5th book.
Ho-hum, another Potter movie. It was decent, though as usual I doubt any of it made sense to a person who hadn’t read the book (if such people are actually still out there). I actually thought they did a better job of condensing the story than in prior movies, as unlike some of the prior stories a person who’s read the book at least could follow along. They get credit for doing well with the Pink Lady and with Luna Lovegood, and as usual overall good visual effects.
Having said that, at this point the books are just to thick to be stuck into a 2 and a half hour movie, but aren’t worth making into 2 movies, so I figure it’ll be more of the same from here on out.
I’ve never read the books so I can’t comment on their quality, but the first 4 films were really crap. The first two were just like TV movies. The third was predictable and the fourth one I can’t really remember except for a semi-interesting bit at the end where Voldemort appeared.
If you haven’t read the books, this is what happens in the movies
New teacher arrives at school…teaches Harry about something, leaves at the end of the film…
The words “Harry” and “Potter” are repeated umpteen times in different variations sometimes in whisper, other times not.
Harry Potter engages in some sort of competition and wins.
I hate the actors of the main three. The girl who plays Hermione is (for me) yet another reason why we should get rid of stage schools. Very one dimensional. The lad that plays Harry Potter is definitely this generations Mark Hamill.
I hate the fact that evey quality British actor has cropped up in this filth. Whilst I acknowledge that it would be career suicide not to appear in these films, and applaud the fact that (so far) everybody has been British, I just wish they could have done a better job of the films so that those who are not big readers (like me) can see what all the fuss is about.
OK flame-retardant suit… check, ticket to Bolivia… check
Ha ha. You’d better not read any of my posts then, because I’ll find out on Saturday who dies and it will definitely be going in my sig. line. I’ll also be PM-ing you twice daily with the spoilers in the subje ct line. Call me a wanker and an arsehole, DB and I’ll live up to the names. Don’t worry. I won’t post in any “no spoilers” thread.
And this time, they really will be spoilers rather than just speculation. Online arseholes indeed. Yup. There are a few. Well, one in this thread certainly. And it sure isn’t me.
And just LOOK at ImaniOU’s post – chock full of spoilers! Marietta was my favourite and now she’s not even IN the movie, and that’s just ONE! So what’s the point in me going to see it? Thanks, ImaniOU!
I’m not calling you an arsehole, Sandman. I’m calling an a-hole whoever in the future fails to respect the request that posters should adequately forewarn on spoilers, especially on fairly new material (the most recent HP book and movie being 6 and 5 respectively, and the upcoming book 7). It’s a reference to a general category of people. You decide with your actions whether you want to join that category or not.
It’s a matter of common courtesy, Sandman, and it’s also a basic guideline of the A&E forum, as set out by previous mods. You’ll either be capable of that courtesy or you won’t. I’ve merely asked for this courtesy and you’ve responded with nothing but rudeness. I have nothing further to say to you on this matter. Have a nice day.