Has the ROC military ever spun off any private sector technologies?

Israel has a much larger existential threat. They have constant terrorist attack sponsored by many rich gulf states, not to mention Iran wants to wipe them out, not just take it over, but wipe it out and kill everyone in there. That’s a huge motivation for them to take security seriously.

Other than the 8/23 artillery war way back in the 50s, China has not really made any attempt to take Taiwan by force. All they have done so far is saber rattle and maybe shoot a missile over our heads. Besides, even if China were to succeed in taking Taiwan by force, they just want the country back, not kill every last one of us. So we don’t have nearly as bad of a threat as Israel ever faced. The US helps Taiwan with defense because if Taiwan becomes a part of China, the US loses all influence in the Pacific. So it’s a bigger problem for the US.

Malaysia is one of the most anti-semitic countries in the world.

Iran is not a threat to Israel. They haven’t attacked anyone for millennia and they fight mostly through proxies. Netanyahu keeps making Iran the bogeyman to get re-elected.

Here’s hoping that you are able to understand how your second sentence contradicts your first.

Good grief.

I think that’s a big reason so many places disdain the US. Supplying weapons and intelligence to fight proxy wars around the world.

Muhammad became suicidal after receiving his first revelations and intended to throw himself from the tops of high mountains. each time an angel would appear to him and urge him not to kill himself. Sahih Bukhari 9.87.111 A spiritual being called Namus(Gabriel) squeezed Muhammad so hard that he could not bear it until Muhammad complied with his command. He said fighting is literally the best thing in the world. Sahih Bukhari 4.52.50 and that nothing earns more reward than fighting in jihad. Sahih Bukhari 4.52.44 He taught that dying in battle is the only thing that would make a man want to leave heaven. Sahih Bukhari 4.52.72 He invoked curses upon his enemies Sahih Bukhari 5.59.297 and encouraged his men to compose insults and abusive poetry Sahih Bukhari 5.59.449 He asked Allah to fill peoples’ homes with flame because they delayed the Muslims in their daily prayers. Sahih Bukhari 4.52.182 He sent assassins to kill his enemies in their sleep Sahih Bukhari 5.59.370 and to deceive and abuse trust to assassinate. Sahih Bukhari 5.59.369. He punished some enemies by cutting off their hands and feet, branding their eyes with a heated iron and causing them to lick the dust until they died. Sahih Bukhari 7.71.589 He led battles against unarmed cities Sahih Bukhari 1.11.584 and allowed women and children to be killed during night raids. Sahih Bukhari 4.52.256 Muhammad decimated tribes by killing all men and teenage boys and distributing women and children as slaves. Sahih Bukhari 5.59.362/512 He fought against those who had not attacked him and said he was ordered to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Only then could their lives and property be spared. Sahih Bukhari 1.2.25 He vowed to expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and not leave any but Muslim. Sahih Muslim 1767 He claimed to be a victim of black magic Sahih Bukhari 7.71.661 and confused demonic inspiration with divine inspiration which he then used in prayer Sahih Bukhari 2.19.177 and had delusions of doing things that he had not done Sahih Bukhari 4.53.400 He allowed for prostitution through the institution of temp marriages Sahih Bukhari 6.60.139 and Sahih Muslim 3248. At 52, Muhammad consummated his marriage with his nine-year-old bride Aisha, who was still playing with dolls. Sahih Bukhari 7.62.64 and Sahih Muslim 3481 He allowed his men to have sex with femaile captives and slaves without any concern if they became pregnant or were to be sold Quran 23.1-6, Sahih Bukhari 5.59.459, Sahih Muslim 3371/3384 He declared women to be mentally deficient Sahih Bukhari 3.48.826 and claimed women to be the majority of hell’s inhabitants because they are ungrateful to their husbands. Sahih Bukhari 2.18.161

Glad we sorted that out then.

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Have they launched any kind of attack on Israel? Ever?

Oh I’m not reading any of that. Thanks.

And also Thanks for joining the flob today in order to respond to YECwhatever’s post. Clever.

Right, on the proxies part, but uhm, who are their proxies fighting for them again?

I will agree that most of Iran’s military power is pointing inward. Old school population control.

Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Who fight against…?

Maybe this will spin off to something?

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This past weekend I heard Member of LFY Wang Ting Something speak. He said if Tsai gets a second terms she’s going to make Taiwan self-sufficient in defense in by 2030, making our weapons capable of 外銷。

There’s hope.

They already do that…


These come from Taiwan, and are sold to civilians.

Oh boy, a gun. Really high tech.

Well, it is a weapon…

And you wouldn’t believe how much tech goes into it, from material science to surface treatments (the Wolf A1 upper had a melonite coating)

And Taiwan would probably not want any assault weapon laws passed… because I’m sure they make good money selling the Wolf A1 upper…

Is there AI into there? DoD is working on enabling soldiers to see what’s going on behind a Jill without going over there.

Army biscuits, available in your local civilian 7-11.

Effectiveness against personnel will probably depend on the trans-fat content, which is a military and commercial secret.

Its stated to be zero, but IIRC they are allowed to say that if its less than 3%, which is probably enough for lethality.

Mistako. Will re-post.

The PLO saved my ass once in Acre, so I’d say its quite possible to feel safe around Palestinians, as long as they are adequately armed, relative to the threat.

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