Havana Pool Party ★3★ 哈瓦那泳池派對 (July 9)

(English below)
嚴暑的到來, Frog in a sock 在連續五年的游池活動中,首次與可Corona 精選為你帶來全台北市最消暑.最具風格的哈瓦那水中派對!!
Frog in a sock 感謝眾多朋友的支持讓哈瓦那 NO 1有了一個亮眼的開幕典禮 !
NO 2因為颱風帶來的豪雨必須暫停活動讓各位失望了.

現在我們將在哈瓦那NO 3. 於七月九號,為你帶來意想不到的SPECIAL ,希望晴天娃娃在那天是對我們微笑的


調酒類精選:Mojitos, (莫吉托) Coladas,(冰鎮果汁萊姆酒)
Sangrias, (香格里拉) Frozen Margaritas (瑪格麗特冰沙)
可樂娜精選NTD 100
宜人的環璄、最INN的音樂、 消暑的生啤酒、各種遊戲!


給那些早到接受陽光洗禮的朋友們, 我們提供了最不可抗拒的早烏計畫!於1.29分以前免費入場!

台北鄉村俱樂部.坐落於山頂府瞰台北市. 近距離環抱台北101,宜人的芬多精圍饒著青翠的山林,所以來這裡逃離惹人頭痛的市區及塵囂,在游池旁輕鬆一夏〜!

** 交通篇**

NO 3.將為你帶來水中排球運動! 請高手各就各位!

特別為你呈現Blue kiss 的品牌泳裝,跟夏季洋裝讓你性感一夏哦!

Corona, Blue Kiss Swimwear, Bacardi Rum, Jagermister and Carlsberg.

SUMMER is here and for the fifth year running, frog in a sock and Corona Extra bring you Taipei’s hottest and most established pool parties, HAVANA.

The first one was a smash. The second one got rained out. And now here we are back with number 3.

We’re all hoping that the typhoon Gods decide to go somewhere else on July 9th because we have a great one for you.

Enjoy our…

Cocktails: Mojitos, Piña Coladas, Sangrias, Frozen Margaritas

NT$100 Corona Extra

Friendly Atmosphere

Awesome Music

Draft Beer

Bar Games

Give aways
Come find out about our Corona Bucket List, Corona Happy Hour and Jagerfest.

For all you sun seekers and early birds we have an offer you can’t refuse. Get there by 1.29 and get in for free!!!

The Taipei Country Club sits in the hills overlooking Taipei, just a stone’s throw from 101. Surrounded by lush green forests and fresh air. So come escape the hectic city and relax by the pool. Get the MRT to Taipei City Hall (Blue/Bannan line). Go to exit #2 and get the #5 blue bus up the hill straight to the Taipei Country Club.

And after an island-wide search for nets, introducing volleyball games in the pool.

Blue Kiss
Blue Kiss Swimwear will be selling a variety of bikinis and dress beside the pool.

Thanks to our Sponsors
Corona, Blue Kiss Swimwear, Bacardi Rum, Jagermister and Carlsberg.

Music brought to you by:

★Victor Cheng★
A superstar in his own right, Victor is back from Canada ready to lay down all the freshest beats for the pool.

★Colour Wolf★
If you know this guy, then you know he likes to get crazy! Imagine what kind of insanity he’ll be pulling off at the pool in leggings!

I say Serpico, you say good hip-hop

★Marcus Aurelius★
Early afternoon ear teasing funk for the soul

Women NT$250
Men NT$350

Open 11am till 9pm

Taipei Country Club: No1 Qing Yun Street:信義區青雲街1號

Come make Havana a big part of the best summer of your life.

Dates left:
July 23, 30
August 6, 20, 27
September 3, 17

A little bump for the weekend. Weather is looking pretty nice so come on out. It’s family friendly so bring the little ones.

And the rest are here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150277920895908.371305.219813825907