Does anyone have any experience of having a stall at the Taipei American School Spring Fair ? It’s coming up in a couple of months and (plug) is considering have a stall flogging stuff. Anyone know how much it costs and whether it’s worth it ?
Yeah, that would be neat to know. Wonder what I could sell…
Perhaps my Journal? See if anyone shows up to buy it!
Could we share a stall?
ShinyImports stuff isn’t very expensive considering, so, yes, it is definitely worth it.
[quote=“Stray Dog”]ShinyImports stuff isn’t very expensive considering, so, yes, it is definitely worth it.[/quote]But I’ll have to get stuff in, it won’t be worth it if I don’t sell it, or if the stall is expensive. TAS isn’t known for being cheap.
Have you ever been to the Spring Fair ?
Sorry. I thought you were asking if ShinyImports stuff was worth it.
[quote=“Stray Dog”]Sorry. I thought you were asking if ShinyImports stuff was worth it.[/quote]Silly boy. Have you never heard anyone refer to themselves in the third person plural before ?
Sharing a stall is definitely an option.
pm me if you are still interested, I’d like to have a part stall… if it’s not prohibitively expensive.
I’ve had stalls at the American Club’s bazaar, The Center’s bazaar, TAS Spring Fair and TES Christmas Fair. In my case I have decided the time and expense is not worth it (wrong market). Stalls are 3000-3500, depending on the event. The stalls are not very big so if you are going to share maybe you should find someone with a similar product, or your stand can look really messy and confusing to those people browsing. Generally they will be families with children, so parents don’t have time to slowly browse - kids have short attention spans. Also remember that at TAS there will be lots of vendors selling books and other materials for kids, really cheaply. TES is mostly food and knick-knacks.
If you are looking for some promotion, then it might good for you, bring in kids’ materials for the school fairs. Hand out lots of fliers, give out discount coupon or run a prize draw, get people’s email info and idea what kind of material they would buy from you (they put it into a box on your table) in return for a chance to win a DVD or something. Work with another table owner and put each other’s fliers into bags when people buy stuff.
The Center’s bazaar is also coming up, it is 3500. Products there tend to high-range jewellery, Chinese paintings and handicrafts, silk clothing… things that appeal to the kind of person here on an expatriate salary and probably the wife of the expatriate worker. The lunch is 700 and vendors also have to buy a ticket each, so it’s getting “up there” in cost.
I’ve had more success with other things and I just had an idea for you, PM me if are looking for some other (free) ways to get your business known, or if you want more details about the fairs, I have the info sheets from last year’s here if you want to see them.
Hope that helps.
hmmm, expats, fawlty towers. I can see that giving it a try might be a good idea.
Get samples or sold but not shipped stock, along with lists, and get peoples names etc. so you can sell to them later over the phone.
Thanks, asiababy, I have a better idea what to expect now. I have time to think about it…
Does anyone else have a table at this year’s Spring Fair?
I’ll be there tomorrow, table #2 with a couple of friends. Stop by and say hello!
800 Zhong Shan N. Road, Section 6 in Tianmu
10am to 3pm
Admission is something like NT10 per person
The Shopping Mall is held in the Cafeteria. There’s usually food for sale but the TAS cafeteria pizza and chocolate chip cookies are pretty good too.
Fun for the whole family–if you’re not into shopping, just come to eat, run into friends, make new friends, hang out in the playground (if you’ve got kids).