Hawaiian Lei's and a local Fire Poi performer

Looking for Hawaiian Lei’s for a Luau party, and looking for a local Fire Poi performer, any ideas where i can locate? also looking for Tiki Torches…

Mod note: thread title changed from “looking for” to “Hawaiian Lei’s and a local Fire Poi performer”

Start with a clear thread title. You’re not looking for “looking for”, after all. :wink:

Get me and irishstu shitfaced drunk and he’ll sing Tiny Bubbles while I huck my lit Zippo at random guests.


A stationery store in Banqiao has fake leis in two different sizes. So those should be easy to find throughout Taipei.

For tiki torches, perhaps Ikea.

The is a Fire Dance group/club in Taipei. I don’t know much about them, but I know they are amazing and beautiful. They are available for performances and perform Friday nights late at the Orange Restaurant. 302 Wenlin Shilin.

They also have a cafe behind the Spot theater off Zhongshan. Can’t recall the address, but it is across the street from the big rec center/parking lot.

Check www.orangefirecafe.org.

Perhaps you can ring up Bethany School. They had a live show sometime around Feb. March- roast suckling pig, leis, and fire dancing etc.

Good luck!

Some people go to Hawaii just to get lei’d.